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No wonder people don't eat game!

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I can't find anywhere that claims to farm pheasants for the table. And I'm assuming that the reason for this is because the economics don't make sense (to me anyway). There is a ready and abundant supply of cheap pheasants (a few pence for a dealer to buy) during the season that can be processed and frozen for later supply at any time of the year. The money has already been made by the estate in the shoooting of the birds. Indeed, this is exactly what happens with the company you linked above.


I can't undestand why a dealer would want to buy farmed pheasant at a cost of several pounds each rather than freeze pheasants at a few pence each. And I'm actually a little worried if you are correct, as it has potential consequences to game shooting which is mainly what I do.

I think you need to take a chill pill, no problem at all for Game Shooting, after all the Japanese Car Industry had NO effect on the British one did it, life moves on, nothing stands still, if there is money to be made, then someone will find a way to do it, but lets be honest, how big is the queue to buy Pheasant out of season?

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Meat and Game regs haven't helped the price of wild game like rabbit (sporadic shortages aside). Shooters and ferreters who are not registered food businesses, which is most of us, cannot sell directly to butchers but must go through game dealers. Another link in the chain, another levy on prices consumers pay and what should be cheap meat becomes more expensive. Why a butcher is less qualified than a game dealer to inspect a rabbit carcase and pronounce it fit I don't know.

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I think you need to take a chill pill, no problem at all for Game Shooting, after all the Japanese Car Industry had NO effect on the British one did it, life moves on, nothing stands still, if there is money to be made, then someone will find a way to do it, but lets be honest, how big is the queue to buy Pheasant out of season?



so you haven't come up with a source yet to buy farmed pheasants that aren't shot yet Dekers :whistling:


as for buying frozen out of season I guess I just wouldn't consider it as to me its a seasonal food and one I don't struggle with sourcing

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so you haven't come up with a source yet to buy farmed pheasants that aren't shot yet Dekers :whistling:


as for buying frozen out of season I guess I just wouldn't consider it as to me its a seasonal food and one I don't struggle with sourcing


I guess you missed #20

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not in the slightest that is a company that sells shot game aka a game dealer :whistling:


Who are you talking about, Holme Park in Wokingham are a major supplier of Pheasant for shooting, and there are Game dealers throughout the area, the Virginia Water Farm lot have a very special clientèle and provide FRESH Pheasant and Partridge ALL year SPECIFICALLY for the table..

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