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20g hushpower

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Guest cookoff013

just bought 20g investarm hushpower and looking to use 28 gram sixes as that is the only size shot I can make on my shotmaker,can anyone recommend a powder,primer and wad combination please I have some csb5 and hcc30.thanks


sits in hedges will be along. you cant use any powder with subsonics, it has to be a special type to give good pressure and low speeds. you will have to buy new components for this.

i wouldnt be loading 6s as the shot is still down on 1/3rd the energy, at 40 yards it is all but spent.


i reload 4s and i think sits uses 4s on ground game too.


-just saying, like.

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Drill your drippers out to 1mm and make some no5s :good:

My number 5s are actually 4.5s, 200 to the oz but they don't half stop stuff. No walking wounded here B)


I started out with a couple of claygame recipes for 20gauge one used 14grains of A1 for a subsonic load and the other used 17 grains of A1 for a standard load but I came to realise that in a ported barrel where some of the gases are bled off with a resulting velocity drop the standard load was the one to be using. You could hear the shot patter on their feathers with the weaker load but it didn't always kill cleanly.


From memory the standard load is cx2000 primer,17grains of Vectan A1, nitro card, fibre wad, 28grams of shot in a 65mm 20gauge case. You could probably use a 70mm case with a slightly longer fibre wad. I used to adjust my shot column to use a RTO as the crimps could be problematic.

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From memory the standard load is cx2000 primer,17grains of Vectan A1, nitro card, fibre wad, 28grams of shot in a 65mm 20gauge case. You could probably use a 70mm case with a slightly longer fibre wad. I used to adjust my shot column to use a RTO as the crimps could be problematic.

Hi Sit's


You wouldn't happen to have Pressure and velocity data for that load please would you?



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Guest cookoff013

No it isn't stated. The Claygame CD has a lot of data missing but maybe ring them and ask about it.


they just reloaded some and got a speed.

i hate the data sometimes, because the presure isnt listed. with both speed and pressure, the load can be charicterised. ie, high pressure loads and large payloads are usually very clean burning. the opposite is true too.

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they just reloaded some and got a speed.

i hate the data sometimes, because the presure isnt listed. with both speed and pressure, the load can be charicterised. ie, high pressure loads and large payloads are usually very clean burning. the opposite is true too.


I think claygame were just utilising data from the nobelsport site.

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Guest cookoff013

Do they really need to be subsonic?


nothing is needed,

but subs are quieter in hushpower.

the faster the lead is driven, the more open the pattern too.

1000fps at 2.5m is usually as good as (ie decent)

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