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KG I2.

snipers eye

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well I only received this SF112 from Open Season Ltd today after 2.5 weeks of waiting,

I haven't used it yet so cant give my opinion on the product but I'm totally unimpressed with the service!

Several emails went unanswered until a more irate email mentioning a review of their service on a popular

shooting forum eventually received a response to the effect that the item must have been lost in the post and my emails had somehow gone to their spam folder.


OK....benefit of the doubt......these things can happen.


I was then told that another would be dispatched on Monday (just gone) but by Thursday still no delivery.

Another very direct email was sent that day asking for confirmation that it had been sent on Monday as agreed or cancel order and make a refund. Lo and behold....I received the item this morning by overnight special delivery, obviously sent upon receipt of my email and not on Monday as promised.


These guys would seem to be the UK distributor of this product which is manufactured in USA, but they have been a total shower of sh*te on this occasion. Something for you all to bear in mind if considering using them.



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