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What shotgun slip?


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What do you look for in a slip?


Full leather certainly appeals, but is there a weight disadvantage if you are carrying it around all day? There is the cost too.


Fleece lined protects it - are there any alternatives?


One thing I noticed is that most slips look the same. When at a shoot, it can be easy to mistake someone else's slip for yours.


Can anyone recommend an all round good slip that won't break the bank?

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I have a simple plain leather, fold over end with buckle fastener, no zip and unlined (no wet lining). Wish I knew where I could get another. It came from 'Quality Gunslips' and was possibly made to order? Had it about 30 years or more - and now nearly worn through in places! I do have a fleece lined one - but soon gets wet from a wet gun being put in it and slow to dry.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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i have a cheap slip that isnt fleece lined and its not leather, its that other cheap stuff, and it lasted a few weeks until the bead at the end of gun ripped it and now the gun gets stuck everytime i pull it out! if i get another one it will definately be fleece lined and also im liking the look of the john shooter leather slips at the moment, they are on ebay, search john shooter or www.johnshooter.com

see if you like anything :)

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I've got a couple of Buffalo River gun slips. They come in various shapes (scoped / non scoped) and sizes from 44 - 52". They're relitively cheap (on Amazon from £14.99) but offer very good protection, are very well made and in my oprinion very good value for money. I use them for my scoped air rifle and my shotguns and have been very happy



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I have a £50 ish quid musto one for my bettinsoli and clays, fur lined etc. I would say it's my "good" slip for a day out in the sun at clays, but I also have a old school canvas one for my aya wich cost next to nothing I love the old canvas one, light weight etc with a bit of character. each to there own I think.

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Thanks chaps.


I note the Baretta gold shotgun slip doesn't have any fleece padding - does anyone use one and do you rate it?

i have just bought one of these mate http://www.johnshooter.com/brown-leather-shotgun-slip-lamb-wool-lined-side-zip-p-406.html

i will let you know on friday (if i receive it then) what the quality is like, he also does the leather ones with the buckles if you like that sort of thing, have a look and see what you think

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I went to my local RFD to have a look - nothing like seeing something in person.


In the end I got the Beretta HP (High performance) gun slip. Very nice indeed - about 60 pounds. Has extra protection for the rib, and the receiver, and feels very nice. I had a look at the Beretta Gold Cup slip - found it a bit flimsy compared to the HP one.



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