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My magnet is the kiss of death for me , nothing comes near it not alone bang into it lol. Tried and tried with it pull it I n now and put a pair of flappers out. There ! , pretty sure I'm doing some think wrong with it ! Your sounds great thou !

What are you using as decoys plastic or real birds?

Try putting it close in and if the wind is right to left put it down wind in front if your pattern if they flair off they should be in the KILL ZONE( oh no not that again)


When it's set up does it look like two birds chasing each other or a scarecrow??0

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Looks like two birds chasing each other tried different speeds etc and I use a pair of hydra flaps on it , tried it for two hours last time out in close to one side of me hide just above the peas first bird decoyed lovely and that was it pulled it in and put the flapper out there , the birds started to come in ? It must be me lol

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Some times a magnet doesn't work, but when birds spook as they come in it can be for loads of reasons, poor hide,sudden movement, upside down dead bird, etc, etc.

Check everything, but if the birds came in after you took the magnet down, then it may have just been one of those days when it didn't work, but don't write it off, they work more often than not.

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