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got speed gunned last night by a mobile speed camera in a police van - came round the corner and there it was :oops: looked as my speedo and it was about 35mph is it a 3 pointer??..or for the high jump.. did a speed awareness course about 4 years ago for a similar thing ...i know its my own fault before anyone has a go...even though its not really a built up area i should have been paying more attention.

any comments welcome

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Up to 34mph its a £60 fine and 3 points-35+mph allows you to take another speed awareness course (I think its one per 3 years). The course is £95 so you are £35 down and if your licence is clean then a SP30 is un likely to increase your premiums-it might be worth taking the points so check with your insurer.

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The same thing happened to me, was going down a hill in a 40, car creeped up to about 45 as i let off the accelerator and let it roll. Realised afterwards the speed van there and quick glance at my speedo saw me at 45ish. Feathered the brake to 40 again.... Never saw a ticket.




I doubt you will even get a summons - 35mph on speedo in most cars is about 32mph in reality.

I dont think speedos are entirely accurate either

Edited by Malik
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The money for the speed awareness course goes to pay the fees for the course - most of them are run by outside companies. There was a lad from work who had to go on one, when he got there he found it it was run by someone that had been to our company 5 years previously to give a general safe driving course - luckily he was not spotted.

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