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Foreign aid and benefits.


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Right Kiddos, I'm going to try and explain it plain and simple with nice short words.


"Aid" = Bribes. Bribes for British business contracts. British business contracts = Tax money. Tax money = GOOD. (For all of us, believe it or not)


I'd like to say it's about charity, but it's not. It's about giving ******* ****** loads of money to corrupt officials and rebel generals so when lush new oil/mining/defense contracts become available, we've already got our foot in the door.


Why do you think out of all the rebelling nations in the world that we largeley ignore, why do we have the US/UK behind Syrian rebels and Chinia/Russia behind the Syrian Government? because the winner gets oil, oil = £. If China and Russia was buddied up with the Rebels, we'd be supporting the Government.


The fact he's got as high as he has in UKIP and he doesn't understand this is simply frighting.


I now want every single person who continues to think aid is a waste of money (even though it produces more money in the long run) to explain to me why.


Just re posted this for you Bleeh, I still think there are a few who don`t get it :good:

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Based on that premise, we should give away all our wealth, because even more is going to come back in.

What we give away is a matter of record. What we get back cannot be accurately gauged.

Now I want every single person who continues to think that aid isn't a waste of money to prove that we get more than we give. :innocent::innocent:

I will plait sawdust whilst waiting.

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If don properly aid can be a good thing the way that I see it if we can try to make peoples life better in there countries then perhaps will decide to stay there and not come to live over here add to that if we did not go in to there countries on the pretext of stopping terrorists when all we do is make there life's do bad that they all decide to move over here.'

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Forgive me. I must have missed us invading Nigeria.


Any money we give to Nigeria will never get within a mile of Joe Public over there. It's all about bribing a corrupt bunch, who already have the countries wealth, whilst millions live in poverty..

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It's pants down time. We give away our wealth, we give away our homes, we give away our businesses, we give away our services. We receive a pat on the back from the government in the form of a reseccion and a higher tax bill and get told to work harder. Oh we also give away our rights so we cannot oppose what's happening. Still at least I got 1,989,656,344,432,654,987.87 Nigerian dollars waiting for my collection.

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