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Rifle stolen at CLA game fair

Pole Star

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I picked up on this just the other day & don't think it has been mentioned here on PW but it seems its a Savage 17Hornet that was secured by an industry standard Nor-lyx . The guns serial number is H736943 & was nicked from Edgar Brothers , how the hell this was pulled off under their noses just begs belief .

Perhaps its time the gun makers row had cameras set up ? or do they ? I have not been to the CLA for a few years now .


Pole Star

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At last year's Midland £20,000 worth were nicked from one stall!


Turns out not every one who goes to the Game Fairs are nice decent country folk , I have heard of a few things nicked at fairs over the years & a Taxidermist mate had a stuffed hare stolen from him at Holkom some years ago , you don't have to guess hard to think who would nick a stuffed hare ? .


Sad world Pole Star

ps cameras on the gunmakers row must be on the cards ?

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Wasn't there some dogs or dog stolen last year?


Rather someone nicked my gun than my dog.


There is some scum out there.


That depends what your gun dose after it has been nicked rimfire many years ago I sold a Browning to chap who's farther who I knew suffered from depression & some time later this chaps farther committed suicide with it , the gun was locked up but the chaps farther hunted high & low till he found the keys to the gun safe .


It was not my fault & not the young chaps fault but it did bother me that it was a gun that I had brought from new & sold on , I knew the chaps farther & it really shocked I knew him from his business & from the local hunt & I never would have thought it .


Anyone remember the case in the mid 80s I think it was around Herts, Bucks , & Beds where a multiple rapist was terrorizing 3 counties & the thing that helped him do it was when he burgled a house & nicked a single barrel shot gun .

I wonder how the person who use to own that gun felt ??? . :hmm: Having your dog nicked is no joke either !.


Pole Star

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I suspect it is those of no fixed abode - at last yrs Fenland game fair say some dodgy looking guys get out of car boots!! Realise here you pay per person as you drive in - they need to ask to see in the boot if anyone involved reads this.


Yes those of no fixed abode need !!!***! " you know what I mean ! :mad:

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Its amazing a rifle was stolen from Edgar Bros, you would thing the cables would have some sort of alarm go off if tampered with but if someone wants something bad enough they will steal it. I run a stand at the CLA and its generally pretty safe but then there is the Midland at Weston Park, if its not hammered down with 6inch nails it will wander off,sure its not the long dogs doing the thievin.

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