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Do large cats roam the British countryside?


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what we are saying crosshair is to do with facts and optical illusions. Remember the lion spotted not long ago in Essex, or countless other black cats never to be seen again. we had one seen from our local but I know for a fact that was a normal moggie but in low light and with an iffy perception of distance a few people swore it was a big cat.


The facts its going on 35 years or so since licences got brought in with regard to keeping big cats privately, big cats live 10-12 years so we are going on for 3 generations on from there thats before you work out how many species of big cats have been seen so we have numerous breeding populations of large cat and no bodies turn up. No hunts or shoots credibly catch one and no one shoots one out lamping........ its getting more and more unlikely they exist. Thats before you suggest that they don't just have one young each year when they breed so we should be over run with them and erm we aren't

My sentiments exactly.


There may well have been genuine but isolated sightings of big cats from time to time, as there have been of vultures, poisonous snakes, kangeroos, tortoises, racoons and many other non native species that have made a bid for freedom, but it is exceedingly unlikely that any of them would survive long and even more unlikely that they would breed.

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There are reliable sightings of an adult with a cub in this area, I will agree there have been tricks of light and false illusions. With our dense local forests these cats are not seen on a daily or even a monthly basis, but where they are seen is usually very remote areas, that is areas where people do not go very often.

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To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if there was a couple of big cats roaming around not seen any myself but have seen a small family if wallabies running around one night whilst lamping. And a farmer friend of mine near Durham swears blind he had a big cat attack some sheep during lambing, not saying he's lying as he's a genuine fellar but after a few days lambing at night who knows what tricks your eyes may play.





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Why is it that people who don't know the answers to the questions revert to asking Mr Google. The answers are usually given by armchair journalists who spend a couple of weeks looking for the big cats, then decide they are afraid of the dark, so their conclusion is they don't exist. For the non believers, if you are told by some of my local farmers that they have seen them, then you had better believe them, and don't make them out to be liars, unless you already have false teeth. Remember you can find conflicting answers on Google, and if asking for an answer on there is your only experience with the countryside, you want to get out more.


Thats quite simple to answer Mr Crosshairs...its called research, you google many articles and come up with your own conclusion , sometimes it can also be tongue in cheek ,

no doubt you have never googled anything you know nothing about, it must be wonderful being so clever , I take my hat off to your wisdom, or your stupidity if you believe everything you are told

We all know there are many big cats in the countryside of this great nation..only two years ago i seen with my own eyes a pack of lions in the wiltshire countryside , but some clever person managed to trap them behind fences :)

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Yes the black variety, but I won't go so far as to say we have more in this country than anywhere in the world.



have a little google and see how many species of large black cat actually exist, then have a look at breeding you have to do with many of them to retain them being black. The essex big cat was a lion because that was the right colour but have a look at the reports




and the answer




thats just one where the answer was found rather than the beast nipping home through its owners cat flap for a feed

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Thats quite simple to answer Mr Crosshairs...its called research, you google many articles and come up with your own conclusion , sometimes it can also be tongue in cheek ,

no doubt you have never googled anything you know nothing about, it must be wonderful being so clever , I take my hat off to your wisdom, or your stupidity if you believe everything you are told

We all know there are many big cats in the countryside of this great nation..only two years ago i seen with my own eyes a pack of lions in the wiltshire countryside , but some clever person managed to trap them behind fences :)

Jasper we don't all have the need to google what happens in the countryside, as I said a lot of their answers are contradictory. I rely on personal observation and I don't mock those with a better knowledge than myself. But then if you have nothing better to do !!!

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Well aside from the topic turning into yet another bun fight because people can't agree, I think they do exist. Several people who I trust to have decent judgement have seen one locally, though not for some time so perhaps it has died?


There are cases that come up all the time of sightings. Often with footage from camera phones etc that is a bit blurred but consider the likely numbers. The chances of these things being seen by someone who just happens to have a professional camera set up, a tape measure and a tin of Kitty Cat to hand to coax them in are remote to say the least. Then there's bones. How often do you find a deer skeleton? Well in my experience as someone who has spent probably five days a week in the woods between the age of ten and 16 and then at least one day a week since, I haven't found many. And think how many deer we have! A whole skeleton is broken up quite quickly and the average walker will see a bone and think it's a sheep or deer. I see odd bones all the time and rarely consider what it could be. The same with piles of ****. I just don't feel the need to study them!


Lastly - why haven't outdoors types seen or shot them? Well maybe they have, but as the majority redicule the idea perhaps they just don't shout about it? There are several here who say they have seen one but who believes them? Would a keeper risk his FAC or would he just dig a hole and lose the problem? Most likely the latter. Country folk who do that kind of work aren't money grabbers and they don't like attention - that's why they do the remote job that they do with little financial gain.


There is footage somewhere of a black cat taken by a serving police officer. I'm not saying that because he's a copper he wouldn't lie, but the video is quite convincing. Enough for me anyway. Any cat who's whole body is visible when walking in grass that's clearly over a foot high because of the seed heads and weeds in is a big one. It was close to a standard stock fence and wasn't much shorter than the barb strand at the top. That's not a fancy pet but a proper 3' to the shoulders species.

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I've been looking for the one I'm referring to but can't find it. I think I know the one you're talking about and agree, along with many that look like pet cats having a hunt around. I wish I could find the one I'm talking about to post - it's the most credible I've ever seen. There's no doubt there are a lot of fakes and films taken by people with little idea. But just the few stand out as real.

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I'm going one further than UFO and big cats, anyone watch the discovery channel on the "real life mermaid" the points, footage, stabbed fish and sharks with spears made from the deepest coral etc and the fact that carvings of mermaids have been around for 1000's of years well before communications between continents existed, how the government closed of loads of beaches when they tested a sonar weopon and all sea mammals beaches themselves and they had tents over a certain few who witnesses said looked like aliens .,,,,,... Come the end of the program I was bloody 70% they exist 30% they didn't hahaha discovery channel always end up causing me to debate with myself!

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