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Gamebore not making hevi shot


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hevi-shot shells are expensive , but very hard hitting cartridge. For most of us they are too costly for a everyday cartridge , but for days when you know when the birds are going to be on the edge of range no other shell can give you the performance Hevi-shot can. My main problem with then is that they cut down the load a few years ago and when after geese the patern is a little too thin with the new 34 gr load in no 3. You still get clean kills with them, but sometimes unexplaned misses too. The old style 36 gr load with its odd shaped pellets was a very different load was much better than the later shells, I have had some amazing shots with them. Provided you keep within range the larger loads ether gave you clean kills or clean misses. Several times I have had 50 yard shots with 3.5 inch steel at geese only for hevi-shot in no 4 kill the goose as its almost out of range.

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It is the raw material that is expensive, Tungsten, blame the Chinese for that, not the cartridge manufacturers!!!


I am sure Express, Gamebore etc would love the price to come down, after all they will have invested heavily in product development only to find that now the cost of raw material has got so high that it stops folk buying the finished (excellent) products.


You cannot make a profit if you cannot sell them.

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