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Anyone recognise these?

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A relative was clearing out his cabinet and has given me a box of cartridges bought in the 80s and I just wondered if anyone remembered or knew anything about them.


They're made by Maionchi. 3 inch, 46g magnum cartridges. I can't identify the shot size from the box, but there's a '1' printed on the shells themselves and on the tape sealing the box? They look to be fairly heavy duty.



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If you give them to me I`ll use them on the geese up here.


Ok Henry, as you can put them to good use and I don't have a gun suitable for them anyway!


PM me your details and I'll post them to you. You make a small donation to a charity of your choice and put up a picture of what you shoot with them if possible, how's that?


I just need to find a carrier who'll take them in the post if anyone's got any suggestions?

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It was tongue in cheek my friend and although I would love to give them a suitable send off, the cost for yourself may be prohibitive, however if you are willing I am willing to donate to say "Help for heroes"?


Sorry Henry, unfortunately you were right. I've just done a price check on TNT and it made my eyes water. I would never have believed it could cost that much :/


As I said, I don't have a gun suitable for them anyway, so maybe if there's a member a bit closer to me who can collect and put them to good use in return for a donation and a photo we can still get some good out of them :good:

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