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5 mins........


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Hi guys.


So on my way to picking the wife up this evening I pop into my small permission I have so see if any rabbits were about.


Apon getting there I got the little 501b torch with red led out and had a quick scan round. There were a few about so set the gun up. Still getting use to my new toy, FAC rapid 12 .22.


I left the car and could see a few about 80 yards away. A little bit of stalking was required but I got my self within 50 yards of the little critters.


Down I got and got set on the bi-pod. Another quick look around with the pocket rocket torch , which was now mounted to my scope, and confirmed two rabbits looking at me.


I picked the one that looked the closest but hoped if I was quick I could get both. So put the cross on it little head and with a little squeeze of the trigger the gun let out 28ft/lb of powered air pushing along the 16 grain AA pellet.


Next thing the bunny is jumping about 1-2 ft in the air and I hear the pellet hit the tree that was some 20 yards behind with a thwack. In the mean time the other bunny was on his back legs and made a run for it.


So I could not see any movement and with the sound from the tree thought I had missed. Hey ho I thought still getting use to the gun. I paced out to we're I thought the rabbit was and 47 large paces later only to my surprise there was a rabbit there out for the count.


So I had hit it. On inspection I had hit it just below its head and the pellet had made its way though its heart and lungs and proceed to carry on out of its shoulder.


So even after 47 yards the pellet managed to go through the rabbit and carry on another 20 yards with enough power to give off a crack.


So within in 5 mins I was in and out with a rabbit.


So hears a pic of the beast and prey






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