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Teaching a hold command in a uncooperative cocker


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Alright folks


Just looking for a bit of advice. Sorry for starting another retrieving problem thread as there is already a few running

Just been out with my mate to have a look at his bird's wee cocker, it's a 3 yr old rescue dog (althou has a docked tail so possibly be off working stock), he's just convinced her it would be a good idea to take it shooting :good:


Must admit i'm very impressed with it, (which is quite an impressive feat as i don't really like cockers) well atleast at its natural ability, was hunting great picked up the turn whistle fairly quickly and has a cracking nose on it and mad keen retriever. Could make a cracking shooting dog, althou has plenty off problems as well thou but all fairly minor heeling, sitting, stop whistle etc, basics really that can be worked on with a bit of time.


The 1 problem i'm not entirely sure how to deal with is the delivery, they throw the ball for it and it spits it out at their feet, but it s a mad keen retriever.

Basically i think it needs the 'hold' command. I tried to gently place ball in its mouth but it really wasn't liking it and really squirming (which i know can be normal for dogs the first time) But also it's front paws were coming up pawing at me and ball making it quite awkward Even when i was just massaging the dogs jaw face with ball/praising it was up with the paws just wanting the retrieve. I've never really had a dog do that before, althou i have only really trained larger dogs where not as easy to put there front paws up like that.


I only tried a couple off times as i didn't want to force anything and put it off retriving, and to be honest he's got loads off basics to work on first.


Is there an easy way to overcome this? Like i said never encontered the paw thing before but can imagine it could be a common thing with cockers


Have told him to have a go with her in shallow water down the river she if that helps.

Sshe will also carry her ball for miles when walking to heel (althou heel isn't very good) but as soon as u stop/turn round she spits it out wanting it thrown. Thought if he gets it heeling problem sorted, he could then praise her while carrying the ball and work it that way. But that would mean putting it off till he sort's the heeling.


Cheers in advance for any tips

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It sounds like an easy enough fix, learning hold might help but it sounds like a learned response to fetching a ball, having it thrown for another chase. You say it walks at heel holding it? Just try walking away down a fence line, dog on left heeling it while excepting the retrieve initially. Don't continue with the current situation and don't continue with anything else that aint working- do what does

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you could try something other than a tennis ball small dummie or some rolled up socks

I think at that age she sees the ball as a play thing if that's all its ever been till now .

pawing thing could be shes a little confused and does not understand.

good on you for even trying with her if she half as smart as she sounds she will pick it up with time

goodluck with her scotslad

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Cheers folks


Aye kent can see that working using a different type of retrieve. I had a couple off dummies hid and hunted her up to them but she just sniffed them and wasn't sure wot to do with them, i bet if i threw them she would off lifted them.

Like i said i don't think it is going to be a massive problem just wondering if there was an easy fix, and i've never had a dog pawing like that before.


I was also very cautious as the dog is quite sensitive but i know the bird will nip the dogs ear if its misbehaving so it can be exra sensitive when ur in about her head area so didn't want to try too hard with the hold, plenty off time for that if needed. I've told them to praise and ******* it more by voice which should be enough


It was a fairly short look at her and a fair bit a basics to work on but she defo looks like she has the nose and the 'GO', thinking holding her back could be the problem when u put game into the mix


Postie, my mate will be doing the work i'm just giving him a wee hand, but really not a masssive difference between a well trained pet and a basic shooting dog

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Take it back to basics, fix the dog before the delivery. Get the sit/stop recall and heel spot on and then work on some fun retrieves. Back to basics rolled up ball of socks in the house in the living room. Lots of encouragement treat the dog like a puppy. Gradually increase the distance of the retrieve as the dog begins to understand. If she drops it encourage her to pick it up again and walk backwards. Don't be afraid to use a treat after she has delivered. If she drops it for the treat a sharp AH! and give the ball a nudge and walk backwards. She will get the hang that she wont get the treat until the ball is back in your hands.

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