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Another Escort question !


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This had probably been done to death but I've just bought a Hatsan Escort magnum just so I'm not useing my main gun for rough shooting.

What I'm wondering is what Heavy 3" loads am I best putting through it for goose shooting inland in Scotland ? Do the latest system Escorts cycle most heavy loads ?

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my book says 52g of steel is your biggest 3" load through the hatsan .ive got the same gun and had to find out for this season .most people seem to be on 36g of no1 or no3 steel shot .but the choice of make is personal everyones got their own idea on which make is best.im on remington nitro express for ducks but the selection is mind boggling atb clakk

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yes u can there was a post the other day someone had some old 3"lead magnums from the stone age and he offered em to a chap up north where their still allowed .50g is under the load limit but i wouldnt go over half choke unless u like hospital food .most peeps advise no more than half choke for wildfowling anyway .im a novice at it but theres lotsa posts all saying the same

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50gm is far too heavy if you are decoying inland, I use anything from 36gm 4/3`s to 42gm 3`s, however if using the semi I will usually have 50gm 1`s as the last cartridge, just in case I have a wounded bird still flying. I used to use 50+ but all they do is fill the bird with shot, 1/4 choke does it for me.

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