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help with .270 reloading

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Hope you guys can help? Some of these are probably stupid questions so I apologise in advance!

Found someone who is going to load up some .270's for me. All for deer.

Sticking with 130 grain heads I think.

Stupid question #1. Will different brands/types of 130 grain head shoot differently with same powder and case behind them?

Does anyone have any recipes they can suggest? At the moment I am shooting Winchester 130 grain Silver Tips.

Know I need to try a few different recipes to see what the rifle likes in terms of home loads. Does anyone have a few of any different sorts they made but their rifle doesn't like around Leicester that I could buy to try out?

Any recommendations on where to buy powder, primers and heads from near Leicester?

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"Stupid question #1. Will different brands/types of 130 grain head shoot differently with same powder and case behind them?"


In terms of accuracy yes but most decent bullets are going to shoot well enough for deer hunting and nearly to the same point of impact.

The velocities/pressures should be roughly the same unless they have a very different construction like bearing surface, jacket thickness or composition.

The biggest question would be terminal effect and how they expand/penetrate. If you have had good experiences with the silver tips you could try and get some (they are made by nosler)?


I think I'd try and get hold of some Hodgdon H4350 for that bullet weight

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You could try some heavy 150 round nose bullets for deer,bring the speed down and you will get less meat damage with the 270.. Test a few on the range first!...shot a lot of Deer over the last 10 years with Nosler partitions...excellent bullets,you get good expansion and hardly any meat damage and good knock down power :good:





Edited by stalker58
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Is it quite common for shooters to use a reloaders rather than reload there own ?

I would not want anyone reloading for me I have piece of mind i have done things correctly and the other flip of the coin is the legal side of things not to mention you are putting your life in someones hands.

atb wayne

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Reloading for money?

I don't think your allowed to sell them but in a way that's what I mean.

I would not want anyone reloading for me I have piece of mind i have done things correctly and the other flip of the coin is the legal side of things not to mention you are putting your life in someones hands.

atb wayne

I agree that's why I was woundering how common it was. ?

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Guest cookoff013

its common to give the reloads away to friends, homeloaders are exempt from pressure guidelines. but anyone with any sense will stick to decent approved recipes.


as for the legal situation. i would never buy a homeloaded ammo from anyone. it is illegal to sell homeloaded ammunition, although i`m not sure anyone can be bothered to follow this up in court.


now in the states, there is a massive lawsuit culture. people sue ammo manufacturers all the time for new guns etc.

all it takes is one idiot here to blow up a barrel and then sue the homeloader, i`ve heard of americans intentionally submerging the muzzel and blowing up the firearm.


if a homeloader sold ammunition and it was involved in an incident where property or a person was injured they should expect quite a legal battle.

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Hope you guys can help? Some of these are probably stupid questions so I apologise in advance![/size]


Found someone who is going to load up some .270's for me. All for deer.[/size]


Sticking with 130 grain heads I think.[/size]


Stupid question #1. Will different brands/types of 130 grain head shoot differently with same powder and case behind them?[/size]


Does anyone have any recipes they can suggest? At the moment I am shooting Winchester 130 grain Silver Tips. [/size]


Know I need to try a few different recipes to see what the rifle likes in terms of home loads.[/size] Does anyone have a few of any different sorts they made but their rifle doesn't like around Leicester that I could buy to try out?[/size]


Any recommendations on where to buy powder, primers and heads from near Leicester?[/size]


Firstly yes your gun will show a preference for one 130 grn bullet over another in terms of accuracy but also they will shoot at different chamber pressures so work each one up slowly in the std way.


Stalkers are often too concerned with accuracy of groups, unless your shooting at extreme range for those deer or using them for say BDS scored shoots is it relevant to you if you get 3 shots into an 1" group or a 1/2" group? I should look to the terminals of the selected load more than which shoots the tightest bug holes personally with regards a deer rifle. Then stick to it and buy as many bullets, powder, primers and brass for that recipe as you can legally and financially.

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Like Kent says too many people chase the accuracy without giving a thought to what species they hunt ,whats the point of having a really accurate bullet if it is not up to the job of shooting said animal. Match the bullet to the quarry and then spend time working a load that suits the rifle , i saw a post somehere else saying abot 110 grain v max for deer in a 270, why would you shoot deer with a fast varmint round unless you are neck shooting you are going to have either a right mess or you will spend along time looking for said wounded beast, reloading is not rocket science but care needs taking in the process with the right load for the animals intended. atb wayne

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Like Kent says too many people chase the accuracy without giving a thought to what species they hunt ,whats the point of having a really accurate bullet if it is not up to the job of shooting said animal. Match the bullet to the quarry and then spend time working a load that suits the rifle , i saw a post somehere else saying abot 110 grain v max for deer in a 270, why would you shoot deer with a fast varmint round unless you are neck shooting you are going to have either a right mess or you will spend along time looking for said wounded beast, reloading is not rocket science but care needs taking in the process with the right load for the animals intended. atb wayne

I put to you because many don't know a thing about bullet construction as regards terminals and might view a 110 grn .270 as better than a 100grn .243, quite wrongly but there you go. This to some extent is actually confused by the deer act mentioning weight and energy.

Edited by kent
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