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Scandanavian Pigeons???


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yes, Scandinavian wood pigeons are migratory and may pass across the uk on the autumnal migration to france and spain but some like to stay here for the winter thay look the same but more browner on the chest and back. as for the uk wood pigeon you see them all year round so it go to show thay do migrate thay just move around alot to different feeding grounds

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Happy New Year to everyone and all the best for 2007.


This really is a real old chestnut! And an old wives tale to boot…it was long argued (back in the good ol’ days) that we did get an influx of ‘foreign’ pigeons during the winter months but since the advent of satellite cameras it’s been well and truly discounted. Continental birds do migrate but not over the North Sea to the UK. They generally go south via well-documented flight lines overland. The brown-er colouration of the birds you are seeing is because they are youngsters, maybe only off the nest since October. Check the white neck rings, almost absent or certainly not fully developed. If you look at a fully mature bird at this time of year it’s plumage is in full bloom. We are shooting quite a lot of these youngsters at the moment, they are a smaller size (not fully muscled up) and their plumage is brownish rather than true blue/grey.

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