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Big thanks to Hawkeye

Lord Geordie

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I have a big thanks going out to Mike!


I bought his MEC9000 from him last week and when I was there He mentioned an evening on the feral pigeons!


I got the Titan out and zero'd it to make sure I wasn't going to have an issue!


I visited Mike today and had a cuppa and a chin wag! At 6pm we loaded his car with the air guns (guess who forgot a lamp) :lol:.


Mike loaned me one of his, and I have to say it's a nice bit of kit! So much so infact I am looking to buy one myself!. Anyhoo! We packed the car and set off for the first farm!


On arrival Mike glassed the field with his NV to see if there was anything about. I got a chance to look through the NV gear and was amazed at just how good it was! I am stuck with a Gen1 that even with the IR Laser is useable. Mikes was unreal, I could see the whole field without additional IR.


I saw a rabbit having a disco and a few owls brawling (typical stockton evening) :lol:


After taking a gander over the fields we headed down the track to the farm. We pulled up got ready and got our gear out of the car. Mike sorted me out with a lamp for my gun. Then he was going to use a tracer he had in the back of the car! But when he tried it, it wouldn't work :no: So he fitted a larger version of the lamp he had fitted to mine and off we set!


Just a short walk later and we were at the first barn. Mike took no time in illumiinating the barn in search of our quarry! Seconds later we had counted around 6 in a small section of the roofing. Mike threw the offer over to me to start the proceedings!


I dropped a H&N FTT in the Titan, drew back the hammer and brought the scope up to my eye! It took a while to find the target as I had the mag set too high, I dropped the mag! Took the first of many shots and took my first ferral.


With mine being a single shot rifle, Mike gallantly took over while I reloaded! Mike dropped a further few whilst I was struggling to load in the dark. Adding to the fact that not only was I loading in the dark! I Was trying to load into a slot slightly longer than the pellet. The Titan breech is the tightest I have ever seen! I managed quite well though!


The lamps lit the beams very well and offered a good definition when meeting the ferals roosting. the ferrals were a nice shade of black against a light background!


After the loading of shot 2, I found a pigeon on the back wall of the barn. I flicked on the lamp, drew back the hammer and found my mark on the bird. brought the crosshair up onto it's noggin and gave a little pull on the trigger, and THWACK! Number 2. the first barn was offering some good sport with around 10 to 20 birds.


When we had finished with the first barn we took a walk round the yard to another group of buildings. We scanned 2 area's but came up empty, before taking a look in a hotspot.


We scanned the roof beams again and this one had around 8 birds! Again I was given the opening salvo so I was only happy to oblige!


I had a couple of good head shots and Mike shot really well taking about 5 from the one roof! One of Mikes shots was a blinder. One of the Pigeons had just flown out of a hole in the roof after trying to escape. Just as it cleared the hole it landed on the roof and left it's self wide open for Mike's shot. Not even half a second from it landing, It was falling again! It was a great shot!


from there to a Byre where there were a few more roosting! Mike pointed out a ferral sitting on a beam! I took a step to one side to get a better shot, but didn't bargain for the step down :lol: :lol: It was quite funny! In here was around 4 to 6 of which most were dispatched.


When this building dried up Mike took me round to a small set of pens with a central yard. This was tricky this one! The brids were hiding behind ply hatches. This left very little room to get a good clear shot! When you lit them up, they would shuffle between pens to try and evade our shots. I managed 3 here, and they were very rewarding shots. I really wanted a 4th and was back and forth waiting for one crafty sod to just stop still for a split second and offer a good shot! But alas it was not to be!


We called it a day at farm one with what I think would be around 30 between us?


We packed up and headed to farm 2 which was a 10 to 20 min drive from farm 1.


When we arrived the barn lights were still on, Mike didn't seem to happy as they could fly out! He need not have worried though! We geared up and took a walk into the first barn. A quick scout of the place revealed approx 10 in the roof. Mike took the first shot to a cloud of feathers and dropped the first, this time I took aim for the furthest, then mike pointed a few just above my head! We started from there and worked our way back. we took another group of 8 to 10 from this barn. I had one shot not find it's mark? I think it went in the breech backwards :oops:


We took a walk to see if we could find anymore! But mike stopped when he clapped his eyes on a pile of **** approx 9" deep and exclaimed " I am NOT walking throught that, wellies or not" :lol:


After a quick scout round we could see no more! We decided to call it a day after that and headed back to Mikes!


In all I had a cracking evening and now need to find myself one of those lamps Mike was using! without which I couldn't have had such a great time!


Thanks again Mike!



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Great write up Lord Geordie. You obviously had a good time with him.


Only problem you said Mike walked round the farm :no: :no: the gate must have been locked so he couldn't drive round the barns :lol: :lol:


Did he let you have any shot with the reloader?



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Ha ha a bait station for Mike to encourage him out now and then, like warm bacon butties :good:


Lord Geordie I was referring to Hawkeyes massive stash of lead shot for reloading. Floors will need to be strengthened to take anymore :whistling:



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You are welcome Martin i enjoyed your company, but you will have to get a multi shot then you would have time for the follow up shots before they get out of the holes in the roof.. :good:


As for figgy just ignore him everyone else does …….and grasshopper just proves i do walk occasionally as i now have a reliable witness.. :innocent:


Its just fox's i don't walk after i just bait THEM and sit in the PENTHOUSE or on other farms sit in the motor and just watch TV till they come on screen... :whistling:


Figgy have had the floor in my reloading room reinforced but not for the lead….just incase you ever turn up with that hat full of spuds :lol::lol:

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The new seals are on the way from Chambers! Hope to have the Career fighting fit by the end of the week.


I bought a set off Here or the BBS and was well and truely stitched.


Main valve to air tube seals were too thin and wouldn't seal. Had to fit the old ones. Then the probe seals were too thick and after cycling a dozen shots, the seal tore and jammed the probe.


Hopefully now I will get it sorted properly. I will measure each seal and hunt the web for cheap seals to make a few spare kits up. Mainly probe seals.

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