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My New Mallard Call


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This is my new mallard call which I pre ordered via MPK calls and it arrived this morning.

I have fancied a nice hand made call in Cocobolo wood for some time, as I spotted few on some of the American sites but import costs can make the purchase a bit high.


Got to say I really like this call, the workmanship seems excellent and I can not wait to get out over the weekend and give it a try on the foreshore.


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Hi spaniel,


Glad you like it mate and thanks for the feedback. I wish you all the best with it and good luck for the weekend.


I'll probably be busy in the workshop, may try for a cheeky morning flight though !!

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  • 3 months later...

Mine arrived today from MPK. What a lovely thing it is too.


Sound, tone and volume are all good, and the mallard on the pond directly behind the building I work in seem to approve too, although I've had some odd comments from a couple of the building's tenants about whether a duck had got into the building :lol::lol: .

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Mine arrived today from MPK. What a lovely thing it is too.


Sound, tone and volume are all good, and the mallard on the pond directly behind the building I work in seem to approve too, although I've had some odd comments from a couple of the building's tenants about whether a duck had got into the building :lol::lol: .

Glad you like Penelope, I have gotten so used to those looks now :lol: my neighbours all thought I had a pond full of ducks until I mentioned I make calls !!


Keep an eye on the website for new types of calls being added over the next few months.



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No, they really did think we had a duck in the building. The odd looks came after I explained.


Saying that, a few know I shoot and have had some ducks, geese, game and pigeons off of me, particularly the a few staff of the French catering contractor.


The website looks good too.


Glad you like Penelope, I have gotten so used to those looks now :lol: my neighbours all thought I had a pond full of ducks until I mentioned I make calls !!

Keep an eye on the website for new types of calls being added over the next few months.


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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Have had a look and some astounding work. Think they would make a wonderful gift but I would be scared of knocking it about with everyday use. Thanks again Darren.

Hi Darren,


Thanks for your kind comments, they do look nice but are most certainly a "working" call. They have near on 20+ coats of a very durable and strong finish once cured and certainly do take a beating. Mine and many customers have had them out in all sorts of crappy weather and such like.


Myself and a few others keep them in the car, rolling around and getting battered to no ill affect. If you ever loose or break any of the working parts I can replace them for you with an exact copy within 2-3 days. It will sound exactly the same and they are all plug and play as it were.


I have tried to achieve the best sounding and looking, durable call I could and honestly you have no worries getting it in amongst it, they have been tested by myself and a few others constantly and they will certainly hold up well to the vigours of Wildfowling and everyday use.


Hope that reassures you ;)


Many thanks

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Here you go Darren, as they say a picture says a thousand words :lol:


The black one to the right (and the prototype goose call to it's left) had actually been rolling round in a mates van without a lanyard for 6+ months as a tester/prototype when I borrowed it to take a picture.



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Is his van fur lined look like they have just come out the box. Very nice seems like you have the finishing sorted. Was after a crow call myself as I don't do fowling but after seeing them thought of buying one for a gift for someone who would use it. Thanks.

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Hi Darren,


:lol: Crow calls are certainly in the pipe line as I do a bit of decoying myself. Keep an eye on the website and on here and I will let everyone know when they are sorted.


Many thanks

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The African blackwood call in the picture is mine. It`s the first call Matt ever made and it has seen some hard use since the day it was built.


It`s never been molycoddled in any way and it does indeed roll around in the door well of my works van,when not being used on the foreshore, for weeks on end as part of Matts ongoing policy of testing his products to the point of destruction.


Short of hitting it with a hammer or throwing it forcibly onto a concrete floor I can honestly say that I`ve never been able to put a scratch on it.


A quick wipe over with a damp cloth to remove the foreshore mud and it`s as good as new to look at.

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Funny you say that, when I am in the workshop and I blow one of the test goose calls I know which ones are the good ones as the dog comes running !!! :lol:

Yeah, was quite funny he came over from his sleep sat tight in attentively at my side looking up for the skiens approach. If I whisper "geese" he does exactly the same but I try and not tease him coz its usefull

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Yeah, was quite funny he came over from his sleep sat tight in attentively at my side looking up for the skiens approach. If I whisper "geese" he does exactly the same but I try and not tease him coz its usefull

That's excellent and obviously really handy too !!

Will keep an eye out for when you have sorted a crow call. Thanks and if it keeps its look like the duck calls might be hard pressed to keep hold of it from being perminently borrowed.


Hahahahahah no worries the crow calls will be made from the same wood and to the same finish so you may need to buy two so you can keep one for your self ;)

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