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Guest snowy1977

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Yeah im tired of hearing about Mandela too,sick of seeing all the celebs and politicians in competition to be his biggest fan aswell!


Im also fed up with hearing about it but havent watched any of it. Those who are now his 'friends' wanted him dead for the awful things he was involved with and went to prison for!! His wife was even worse in her day!!! People really do have short memories.


That being said well done to Amber for getting the award she seems to be a true talent, perhaps a female version of Mr Digweeed in the making! [Much prettier tho]

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Guest snowy1977

Yeah your spot on there masmiffy,theres a lot of people with selective memories of a terrorist though I suppose they would label him a freedom fighter.personally I thought both sides of that troublespot were just about as bad as eachother.

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03700 100222 - Automated line for comment and feedback (?).


Left a question asking why Amber's award had no mention on Newsround, given that she is 16 and has won the prestigious award and that the show is aimed at the youth demographic, but Andy Murray's did.


Sadly, I don't expect a response.


Have you contacted the BBC to ask why?

Edited by Penelope
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03700 100222 - Automated line for comment and feedback (?).


Left a question asking why Amber's award had no mention on Newsround, given that she is 16 and has won the prestigious award and that the show is aimed at the youth demographic, but Andy Murray's did.


Sadly, I don't expect a response.


Well done. I'll see if I can fire off an e-mail later on tonight when I get back, see if that gets a response.

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