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Mossberg Hushpower advice needed


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Hi Guys,


I'm looking at purchasing a 12g Mossberg 500 Hushpower but I'm in need of some advise.


Cartridge choice - I know subsonics are limited in availability but is it possible to get subsonic loads in no.3 & no,4? Equally, is it possible to feed it standard clay ammunition for practicing at the clay ground?


Size - I have 130cm of height in my safe before the ammo compartment. I understand they are 145cm long all in. Is it possible/advisable to unscrew the silencer for storage? If not, perhaps storage with the barrel removed, with silencer attached would be the best option?


I don't "need" the quite element as such but I would like to have the option. I don't fancy the .410 or 20 bore particularly as I just want the freedom to get upgrade parts for the gun if I want to and use cheaper, more readily available ammo. This is subjective so I don't particularly need advise on this, more what people are using theirs for and how much they are using theirs.


Any other advise and need to know info before I buy it would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance :)

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I've got one of these, but it's a .410.


As far as I know you can only get the Eley 12g Hushpower cartridges in no.5 shot, but there's no problem using normal cartridges through it, as long as they have fibre wads.


The silencer unscrews, I would recommend removing it regularly anyway as they fill up with allsorts of **** and can be difficult to removed if left on for a while, so there would be no problem storing it without the silencer attached. Its also very quick and easy to remove the complete barrel.


If you don't really need the noise reduction you might be better off getting a spare standard barrel to go with it. The silencer is quite cumbersome and takes a bit of getting used to, both in the handling of the gun and the sight picture. I wouldn't want to use one for everything, just so I could benefit from the quietness every now and again

Edited by ColinF
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Agree with Colin


To store it just take the barrel off. You need to take it off to clean so not a big deal.


I have a 410 - the silencer is cumbersome and I use it for sitting rabbits you have to get used to the different point of aim


It's a pump - it will cycle snap caps so clay loads aren't problem


Spare normal barrels are available from the saddlery and gunroom but expensive around £200

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thank you for the replies guys, it's exactly what I was after.


I have 4 other shotguns so this won't be my main gun for anything. I really fancy a pump and I've considered a Mossberg 500, Remmington 870, Benelli Supernova and even an Ithaca 37. Having found a reasonably priced Mossy 500 Hushpower, I thought this may provide a secondary use for what is essentially going to be a "for fun" gun.


I'm just weighing up the benefit of the moderator against the drawbacks of having it. Especially considering the high cost of aftermarket parts and barell.

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I guess it depends if you really need a moderator or not? I wouldn't say its a fun gun to use, but it is practical if you have a need for it. I use mine for vermin control around the shoot in the spring and summer when I don't want too much disturbance.


The Mossberg works perfectly, but its a bit agricultural, the Remington or the Benelli would be much nicer to use.

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I have a .410 mossberg hushpower and a 12b greener GP that I had hushpowered.


You will find it easier just to remove the whole barrel rather than unscrew the moderator. The moderators perform best when they have "furred" up with carbon, so I leave mine alone. You will likely have to reload if you want 3s or 4s, but you may well find that even with the sonic crack, standard shells though the hushpower moderator are quiet enough.


The mossberg is a good tool, compared to an 870, or M37 they are rattly and feel cheaply made, but they work.

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i've not picked it up yet. It's a toss up between a 12g Mossy 500 Hushpower and 20g 500 with the C-lect choke at the moment at the same money. Silencer or no silencer...12 vs 20... I'm sure many of you guys have had this debate with yourselves in the past!

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