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HW97 won't cock....


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Just cleaned the HW97 and took out the new spring and put the old one back in as the new one is way over powered and now the gun won't cock. It was shooting fine before just way over power (18ft/lb) so I took the new spring out and put the old one in and now it just won't cock.....


Any ideas? Checked everything three times but still can not work it out........

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You have to cock the trigger by pushing the top sear down with a screwdriver, or similar. Slide the trigger block into the end block, and tap the front pin in. Make sure you don't touch the trigger blade, and fire the trigger, or you have to start again. Hold the safety in while rotating the trigger block up, and fit the rear pin. Fire the trigger, and it should cock OK.

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You have to cock the trigger by pushing the top sear down with a screwdriver, or similar. Slide the trigger block into the end block, and tap the front pin in. Make sure you don't touch the trigger blade, and fire the trigger, or you have to start again. Hold the safety in while rotating the trigger block up, and fit the rear pin. Fire the trigger, and it should cock OK.


+1 That seems to be the answer.

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Well tried that and that did not work..... Took the spring out and put the gun together so I could watch the piston engage with the trigger and it was perfect. Put the old spring back in and wouldn't cock. Put the new spring in and it would cock... ??? All I can think is the original sporing is a good 2 inches longer than the new one and with the new delron top hat it can not engage with the trigger...... Guess I will have to trim another three rings off the spring to bring it down to a legal limit..... Meanwhile the gun is back in bits so it is legal with the new spring out.....

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this happened to me , the new spring i used was a coil too long . the cocking arm did,nt come down far enough to engaged the piston


take any preload out and try again or cut the coils down on the 18ftlb spring


I think that is what I will do.... trim down the new spring until it is sub-12ft/lb.

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When cocking it seems to go all the way but must is just short. When I take the delron top hat out it cocks so the old spring is too long by about 5mm...... At least it is not a knackered trigger unit which is what i feared. I will post some pictures of the difference between the two springs in case anyone is interested.


Thanks for the input..

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Had something similar years ago . It was something to do with putting the trigger back in when reassembling . Can't remember exactly what it was , I think it was by setting the trigger in the cocked position then putting the gun back together . It took a couple of attempts then everything worked perfectly .

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Ok, so lets back track a bit. You have a new spring that's overpowered. So you took it out and put the old spring in and then it wouldn't cock? Did you fit the new spring or was it done for you? What make is it? Replacement springs are often shorter and stiffer, so washers are sometimes fitted inside the piston to up the power and take up slack. strip it, take any washers out from inside the piston, refit the new spring and try again. If the washers are in there when you tried to refit the old spring, it would have caused the coils to close up (coil bound) before the piston reaches the trigger mechanism, thus you aren't able to cock it. The same applies to post 8. If its an original HW spring, it shouldn't have a top hat, so by fitting it to the old spring, you are essentially trying to squash the spring more than it can be.

Check this first, then come back for more info.

Edited by turbo33
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