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Update on the FAC application.


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The eagle has landed...it came this morning, I just got back in from an hours wander with the air rifle and its propped up on the table waiting for me..... :lol: :blink: :blink: :sly:


Made my phone call and i'm off to pick up my BRNO(CZ) american now ... :good:

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The eagle has landed...it came this morning, I just got back in from an hours wander with the air rifle and its propped up on the table waiting for me..... :blink: :blink: :sly::lol:


Made my phone call and i'm off to pick up my BRNO(CZ) american now ... :good:



have fun mate :lol:

and dont forget the pic,s

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well still no land inspection yet! I just phoned them to have a moan, it's got to be about a month since the visit and I'm getting impatient now. All the little bunnies running round, I need to get and sort it soon or I'll be in it with the farmer. It's getting much harder to stalk them lately, they seem to be getting smarter by the day and I need more range than the air rifle can give me :good:

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Well still no land inspection yet! I just phoned them to have a moan, it's got to be about a month since the visit and I'm getting impatient now. All the little bunnies running round, I need to get and sort it soon or I'll be in it with the farmer. It's getting much harder to stalk them lately, they seem to be getting smarter by the day and I need more range than the air rifle can give me :good:

Thats not on mate, have you explained to the Farmer what a twonk the FLO is being? I bet you are getting really annoyed having done all the forms etc, being inspected and then waiting all this time for clearance on your land.

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Luckily for me, the farmer is a really nice guy who knows it'll be sorted as soon as possible. I just struggle on with the air rifle and shotty. I can get them with the shotty well enough, but I tend to mash them up more than I'd like and a lot get wasted. I'm sure it shouldn't be much longer, now I've nagged them a bit :good:

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Well still no land inspection yet! I just phoned them to have a moan, it's got to be about a month since the visit and I'm getting impatient now. All the little bunnies running round, I need to get and sort it soon or I'll be in it with the farmer. It's getting much harder to stalk them lately, they seem to be getting smarter by the day and I need more range than the air rifle can give me :good:


phone them back, tell them its unacceptable and can you have an open ticket.

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phone them back, tell them its unacceptable and can you have an open ticket.




I was lucky as I had already been informed by the FEO previously that my land was already passed for upto .222 calibre, so that saved a lot of time. I also made a phone call on Monday about another farm I got and thats already passed for upto .223 so I can use that land but they would like me to send in the land usage form anyway so they have it on file, but it won't need inspecting :good:

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Well still no land inspection yet! I just phoned them to have a moan, it's got to be about a month since the visit and I'm getting impatient now. All the little bunnies running round, I need to get and sort it soon or I'll be in it with the farmer. It's getting much harder to stalk them lately, they seem to be getting smarter by the day and I need more range than the air rifle can give me :lol:


please remember these are not the police but ordinary people so take no **** off them , if you are a basc member get in touch asap :good:

got me fac through and no sign of land being cleared phoned up and told it was cleared over the phone

thank you i said but how the **** was i to no :good:

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Maybe they just like to know if there is a shooter on a certain bit of land, in case of the dreaded ARV being called? It's not a legal thing though, unless the ticket is old and still has the set land rule instead of "any land deemed suitable by the chief dude". I'm not going to get stroppy with them about anything yet, I like to get on well with them if I can because it makes life easier in the long run. They still have another month before it takes as long as the shotty cert did :good:

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but they would like me to send in the land usage form anyway

*** is this please.


Here in Gwent you gotta apply for land to be used by me(with permission obviously) for the calibres I want to use on such land....They can tell you over the phone by checking on the computer if the land has previously been passed and for upto which calibre.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm bringing this old thread up again as it seemed like a good post for new people to look at if they ask the "how long is the wait for an FAC" question. I've got my land inspection booked for friday :blink:


Great news :sly:


So how long has it been since application?

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I sent it at the beginning of january. 3 months pretty much, and I've got to get the cert through yet :good:

At least things are moving. It sounds like I may have to high seat it though :sly:


I'm just 2 week's behind you then :blink:


Havn't heard about my land inspection yet... FEO told me it COULD be up to 3 month's :D - they're very busy ... "what's new!" :good:

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My land was cleared for .22rf and .17hmr today. I'll have to use a high seat to take shots from which is a shame, but at least I can use a rifle there and get my cert sorted. Now another wait for the ticket to arrive :good:

Congratulations, its been a long time coming but good things come to those who wait!


Cant wait to see some pics of the rifles in action!

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My land was cleared for .22rf and .17hmr today. I'll have to use a high seat to take shots from which is a shame, but at least I can use a rifle there and get my cert sorted. Now another wait for the ticket to arrive :good:


Great news! :good:


Contacted my FEO today, and she had my completed FAC sitting in front of her :good: (she inspected my permission last week, and deemed it open for the rimmy :lol: ) ... and she will deliver it to me in person, to just go over a couple of exeptions on the land, hopefully next week ;):D:lol:???

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