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Thinking of a small gauge pump


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Why do you ask that Kent ?


Not practical at all matey.


U :)


Mainly because I feel uncomfortable wandering across rough often boggy moorland, sometimes in the dark with one up the spout. The equivalent of having an open break action almost. Sounds like its not a goer to rack one in quick when you need it?

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Most slide actions will let you slip a chambered round out without releasing another from the mag if you want to make safe.



Sorry, the rearwards stroke removes a shell from the chamber the forward pops the next in just like an auto only man op right? Correct me if I am wrong, never used one in the field and never owned one period.

So if i carried a gun with empty chamber with two waiting in the mag. What is to stop me pumping back and forth to chamber one from the mag as an opportunity presents? Can it be done? If not I might as well get another auto. Not looking to make the gun safe to cross a fence etc, just trying to avoid carrying a gun with a closed action and one ready to go- hence relying on a safe catch and proper gun handling (something I have never felt quite right with in the auto)Its about the only thing I see as a plus if it can be done, if not please say

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Sorry, the rearwards stroke removes a shell from the chamber the forward pops the next in just like an auto only man op right? Correct me if I am wrong, never used one in the field and never owned one period.So if i carried a gun with empty chamber with two waiting in the mag. What is to stop me pumping back and forth to chamber one from the mag as an opportunity presents? Can it be done? If not I might as well get another auto. Not looking to make the gun safe to cross a fence etc, just trying to avoid carrying a gun with a closed action and one ready to go- hence relying on a safe catch and proper gun handling (something I have never felt quite right with in the auto)Its about the only thing I see as a plus if it can be done, if not please say

If you slide the action forward and you dont pull the trigger (either because you havent taken a shot or there is no cartridge in the chamber) it doesnt usually let you pull the action back without holding a release button. On the SXP this is to the left side and behind the trigger guard.


So if you wanted to take a shot and you had 2 in the mag with your bolt forward and empty chamber, you'd have to hold that button pull back on the forearm sliding back the bolt. A cartridge would fall onto the cartridge carrier. Whilst you slide the action forward again, the carrier lifts and the cartridge is guided into place


On my SXP you cant load the mag whilst the bolt is back... So if you had 2 in the mag and you pulled back, you'd end up with one rattling around on the cartridge carrier and one in the mag with no way of putting another back in the mag until you slide forward again. So in theory it wouldnt be possible on a sc.2 SXP to have 2 in the mag with an open chamber as it would require 3 to be loaded in the mag, then one extracted.


Thats only based on my experience with the SXP, others may differ.



Is that what you are asking?

Edited by Malik
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Sorry Kent..yeah well....the 870 and most release from the mag when the bolt is rear most and most bolts need not be rear most to remove an un fired round from the chamber.

Most slide actions have the slide release at the front of the trigger guard and it also becomes second nature to operate, easier than an auto's button even!


You could do as you suggest and it is only my opinion about it not being practical, based on years of relying on their inherently good safeties.



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When my cousin is out with his pump and we are waiting for a flight or he is out picking up birds he has it loaded but with the slide back half way so the shell is half way in so all he has to do when he lifts the gun to shoot is slide the slide forward a bit and shoot. It works for him.

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People often talk of limited range from 410s


The range is the same for 410 as 12 gauge, the velocities are the same and the lead size the same


What is different is the pattern density and in the main that is due to the smaller number of pellets, a 12gauge shooting 14 ounce no 7, would give basically the same results as a 410 using 14ounce no7


Obviously the more pellets the better the chance of a clean kill, therefore making you shoot at shorter ranges to get the clean kill with smaller gauges


The one significant difference will be the length of the shot pattern as the 410 has the shot in a relitivly longer area in the cartridge


And slightly more resistance as the wad goes up the barrel

Edited by ChrisAsh
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yeah, but when we say range we mean how far we can rely on it for a good clean kill 20-25 yds in my experience respecting that has transformed my view of this little gun

absolutely....a lot of fun can be had up to 25yds! Those light guns fly to the shoulder on rabbit or woodcock and don't forget those walked up pheasants. Squirrels!

I use to decoy crows regular to a 410!

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A question for pump users; How easy or practical is it to walk with an empty chamber and only rack one it during the mount?

Well, this ain't hunting and it ain't small bore. But I thought that you might finding it ... "entertaining".


This is an "Option 2" start. Otherwise known - to the Yanks - as "cruiser ready". Full mag, empty chamber, safety off.






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Been doing some looking around and research and I think its going to be an 870 Remington unless I find a great deal on a mossy 500. Deffo going .410, been reading up on slug loads on Fox and that could be real handy out lamping etc, (just a few in a stock butt shell holder) about 8" drop with a 1/2 oz and 770 yards max fall out range! with energy to spare (not that I will be stretching things out that far)Still quite fancy an 1100 auto if I drop on one though

Got a couple of 12 s/s to sell off now but I figure on keeping my existing single .410 and my single 12 ga. as they are worth more to me than someone else anyhow. that still leaves me five shotguns to go at which is likely still too many.


Anyone put .410 slugs on their FAC with use on foxes?

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