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A walk in the narrow wood.


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Had a walk out with the A400, after about five minutes I managed to drop a high magpie. I spied a squirrel, it froze as it saw me but as I moved it made a dash for it. I scrambled through some brambles and caught sight of it in another tree about twenty yards away. Managed to bag that one then another immediately showed itself. Another in the bag. Just as I was putting these two in the bag I turned to see another in an oak. I followed it round and missed my first shot. I eventually spotted it again in the higher branches. As I took my shot, the branch that the squirrel was on, being rotten, fell to the ground, shortly followed by another thud as the squirrel hit the ground. Walking back along the brook, another squirrel caught my eye. It was running toward the brook as I hit it just as it made it to the bank. That was four squirrels and a magpie in about a half hour. Back up near the farmyard I sat down under some holly trees with the .22 rimfire and managed to pick off another couple of squirrels as they ventured out into the field foraging around.


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