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Gun fitting

Jack jack

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I have an air rifle but I'm looking at getting my first shotgun. I was only asking because on a clay lesson the guy put a rubber pad on the stock, so I could see down the rib. Would I need to do this on all shotgun or would I be better of getting one adapted to fit me

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I have an air rifle but I'm looking at getting my first shotgun. I was only asking because on a clay lesson the guy put a rubber pad on the stock, so I could see down the rib. Would I need to do this on all shotgun or would I be better of getting one adapted to fit me

No one can tell you as stock measurements vary from gun to gun let alone make to make. First gun you'll need advice on what fit and what does not, I would not trust a salesman as most say they understand gunfit but don't know a bump from they elbow he's paid to sell you a gun!!!!!

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So new to shot guns but have used an air gun First thing you need to do is forget every thing you know about mounting and shooting a rife . It is a fact that you can use a rifle like a shot gun but not a shot gun like a rifle . Stance is vey different so unless you have been taught the correct stance and method of mounting a shot gun you will never be able to know if it is any where near a fit or not.

Correct stance and mounting are at least 60% of shot gun shooting and until you have mastered this any other discussion about fit is a waste of time ,assuming that you are of normal build and are using a standard gun .

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