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boyds tacticool cz 455

Elmer Fudd 1

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just ordered my boyds tacticool stock for the cz 455 varmint from rimfire magic, should arrive wednesday!

does anybody have one of these and what are you opinions



What's the damage on that then compared to direct from boyds? Think boyds are about £130 delivered maybe a little less.

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looks good, im a fan of their thumhole i have 2 & am lining up a third

as am i! im still going to have to other czs in thimbhoke stocks


Does that apply to bits of wood? I thought it was just gun parts, silencers, magazines and moving parts , surely the tacticool stock is no different to any other boyds stock. Seems weird.


Looks great though I hope you enjoy it mate, £165 isn't too bad either.


http://www.boydsgunstocks.com/ if you look in the box about half way down the page with the blue laminate tacticool stock it tells you. even the funky coloured tacticool stocks cant be exported

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as am i! im still going to have to other czs in thimbhoke stocks


http://www.boydsgunstocks.com/ if you look in the box about half way down the page with the blue laminate tacticool stock it tells you. even the funky coloured tacticool stocks cant be exported

To say how relaxed they are about guns they have some stupid export laws! Can't they just name it something different and ship it? Quite like the look of that, do you know if it's as short in the stock as the rvt thumbhole?

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