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Four Farms...One Fox

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Having walked a very long way this evening Olly and I called into one last gate way and a set of eyes flashed back from the tall wheat....!!

We were ready to pack it in but the chance of a fox got us in gear asap...after crossing one ditch we headed into a long shadow which was being cast from a flood light from behind us. I whispered to Olly to use the white light as we were not so far from a busy road behind us and this fox was looking that way. Just as I flicked the safety it dropped its head and disappeared in the wheat....only to pop up so 50 yards to my right, this might well be my last chance so off went the round a second after the safety went forward.

The tell tail sound of a head shot rang back...a small dog fox to start the April tally.




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Great work Tim, surprising there are any left at all with your efficiency :)

Well Olly commented on that last night with a quote " failure in your success"....As we walked the tram lines we lost count on the foxes shot on the land, some times 4 in a night so it had make an overall difference...Last night will be it on most of the wheat save one or two fields which went in last....



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