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Gun fit


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I'm new into shooting and have been going with a friend and using his browning semi auto, when I got my license I bought a bettinsoli diamond thinking ill buy a starter gun till I gain experience but I just can't seem to get along with the fit of it I just don't know whether its worth spending money getting it fitted or shall I get lessons and persevere with it

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Get lessons - the sooner the better. The instructor will check your stance, posture, mount & gunfit and tell you if anything is needed. If you're anywhere near conventional proportions it's probably easier to get you up and running with the gun as is and forget about gun fitting for a while.

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That's what I thought but all everyone goes on about is gun fit I just didn't see the point going out and buying a beretta etc till I had some experience also I didn't see the point spending a load of money getting a cheap starter gun fitted to get rid of it in twelve months

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Definitely get a lesson or two. Although you may begrudge forking out, a reasonable instructor is money well spent and may save you many hundreds or even thousands of pounds in the long run. They should set you on the straight and narrow from the start and save you from the frustration of firing countless amounts of carts into thin air trying to figure it out complex issues like gun fit and eye dominance for yourself. If you walk away from a lesson and aren't thinking it was money well spent and that you've made good progression, then find another instructor.

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