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Yukon Photon 5x42 Night Vision


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Has anyone got one of these and can give an honest review. I am thinking of putting one on my 223 for foxing out to say 200 yards at a push and I don't know if there's enough magnification for this or how clear it will be?


What would be ideal would be to see one at night and judge for myself but this hasn't happened (yet)

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Has anyone got one of these and can give an honest review. I am thinking of putting one on my 223 for foxing out to say 200 yards at a push and I don't know if there's enough magnification for this or how clear it will be?


What would be ideal would be to see one at night and judge for myself but this hasn't happened (yet)

Haha, you have lived a very sheltered life if you have not seen the thousands of posts about it across the forums - it's been done to death everywhere.

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theres always one

Its meant in jest mate - Google the scope because there will be thousands of results and most of them will be from people who have posted umpteen replies about them. Most of the results will show its a Marmite scope that you either like or don't like. Just bear in mind it only cost £400 when the next dearer dedicated digital people compare it to is much more expensive.

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The pulsar NV750 looked okay but would not mount properly on my gun, ruger ,22 so settled for the Yukon photon. It zeroed really easy in daylight but I used black markers on ply otherwise it was hard to make out the spot!! Looks well at night but as I have just had the sparky in I won't be out for a while as I need to get the whisk and trowel out and get the house finished double quick

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More than happy with mine I've got two one on hmr and 22.250 both with doublers and t20s. Plenty of second hand ones around now nothing to loss buy one 2nd hand don't like it sell it again


Do you find there is enough magnification with it on your 22.250 to say 150yards? most of my foxing is on or below that range with a few further out

Edited by cjm
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just returned my to the shop with zeroing issues, windage maxed out. Just waiting for the shop to " Have a look at it". Hopefully a replacement as its only two weeks old.

Other than this issue, I think its a cracking piece of kit, especially for the money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think its a good piece of kit on the right gun, I need to really use it a lot to get the hang of it I think as its really hard to get the distance thing sorted. For my Ruger .22, with the loopy trajectory its a ****** to fix a distance at night with the Photon. I have never used a 177 HMR with the flat trajectory but I would think it would be much better suited to such a rifle unless someone can enlighten me as to how to mark the distance effectively.


One spot where I knew exactly the range (100m) I didnt have a problem else where on the farm it lit up rabbits with ease but I couldnt easily tell if they were 30m or 130m away. If I cant get it sorted it might mean having another gun!!

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