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Opinions on airgun bill

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In the news today it is saying the Scottish government is looking for the opinions of people with an interest in the bill. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-28097852

Is it even worth bothering with they will probably just do as the please and ignore the opinions of the majority of those who reply like they did with the consultation. :no:

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Nice to see that the "unbiased BBC" has not put up the link where someone can comment on the issue.Here, I am doing thier job for them:


I hope all of you submit a comment, make your feelings known. The problem is I don't know why they think they will get a differnet result. They already made a consultation last winter and an overwhelming 87% of respondeds rejected alicensing regime, what makes them think they will get a different outcome unless they doctor the results?

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The problem is I don't know why they think they will get a differnet result. They already made a consultation last winter and an overwhelming 87% of respondeds rejected alicensing regime, what makes them think they will get a different outcome unless they doctor the results?


I suspect that they're hoping not to get too much of a response from the shooting community. Kenny can then laud this lack of interest as proof that the "overwhelming majority" of people support his proposals. The SNP's, and Kenny MacAskill's disregard for the genuinely overwhelming public opposition to new air gun licensing laws in Scotland is sickening. I'll certainly be responding to this new call for feedback, reiterating my opposition and berating the SNP for not heeding the results of the original consultation. I'd urge all shooters to do likewise.

Edited by A.J.P.
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I live less than 60 miles from the border and quite often go up to a mates shooting, how would this affect me? Would I have to apply for a licence for my air rifles I'm ok with my shot gun but we shoot branchers with our air rifles (these are 12 flbs) IE no FAC needed

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I live less than 60 miles from the border and quite often go up to a mates shooting, how would this affect me? Would I have to apply for a licence for my air rifles I'm ok with my shot gun but we shoot branchers with our air rifles (these are 12 flbs) IE no FAC needed

You could submit to the consultation and ask them?

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