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Fac confusion

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Hi just a quick one, it's prob really obvious but on my fac I have 'land deemed suitable by the chief police officer..' on my rifles but not on my sect 1 shotgun, does this mean it's open and I'm not restricted on getting land authorised by FAO? Just says for shooting of birds in accordance with the gen license under provisions of the wildlife act 1981. ?????

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I've got my S1 conditioned for everything, vermin, PSG, clays and despite the FEO saying I didn't need to nominate land, the office insisted I did, which was fine as I have some land, then the ticket lands and it's 100% open so what was the point of nominating land? I suppose when all is said and done, apart from the obvious increased capacity there is no actual difference between s1 and s2

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You cannot shoot game or wildfowl with a section 1 shotgun. If you only hold your FAC for a section 1 shotgun there needs to be land 'tied' to your FAC if there is the option of shooting living quarry. There is no requirement to limit your shooting to that land.


To the OP - you should automatically have clay shooting added as a condition (it's in the police guidance).

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I think I'd be having a word the your FEO on that what about rabbits and foxes? Why are they not listed? surely it would be better to state.

The shotgun to which this relates shall not be use for shooting game or wild foul.


Because FAC conditions always state what may be shot not what you can't.

Besides which, it is, quite rightly, the responsibility of shooters to know the law on quarry species and what firearms are legal to shoot them with.

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