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  1. Stainless bolts need a bit of grease or copper slip on. Otherwise they have a tendency to gall under load. I:E using a buzz gun or adjusting legs on a machine under weight. Nice stand
  2. I did my Brno with some 10mm stainless rod rather than adjustable improves head position no end.
  3. My cocker at about six months old was out for her evening walk off the lead. Next thing there was an almighty boom. A firework went off and she bolted. I managed to catch her but she struggled so much I had a four inch gash from her claws on my arm. one terrified dog. She is nearly six now and although it took a lot of patience but she does love going out with the gun any gun rifle or shotgun, in fact just go near the cabinet and she all over me like a rash. I agree entirely with previous posts don't go near clay grounds or shoots. Party poppers with the streamers removed toy cap gun work your way up. But it has to give a high value reward. If yours is like mine and food orientated then use that at first then move on to dummies as the reward. Mine is still not keen on fireworks unless she can she them, don't ask me why I haven't a clue but she likes watching them. I had a Springer that did too. I hope you get sorted
  4. I found Joe Irvings books good but I disagree with his time table in hind sight If your pup has lots of drive don't worry about stickyness which is the main reason given not to start training too soon. My Cocker has FTch galore in her pedigree, the result a hot dog who is hard work to keep in check. My advice get Heel Recall and stay solid before allowing Him to hunt freely on any ground with game scent. High value treats came in very handy for retrieving work (wife and kids and snatching things of her). Basically make it really worthwhile giving you the dummy. Not every time keep him guessing. WGD hits the nail on the head control the situation. If your pup is also a house pet half the training battle is family and friends. Rewards should be sparing from others YOU should be the centre of his universe where pleasure comes from and security is found. competing with others makes training harder.
  5. Off the top of my head you can alter the size of cartridge a Lee Loadall will produce by loosening a screw on the back and setting the height required. I use mine mainly for light loads for the kids to use but remember reading how to set it up, here this explains for 3" 3.5" will be similar
  6. Cracking rifles I have one in 222. For 243 you'd need a CZ550
  7. Do aggravated trespass laws apply over there like they do here. i.e. someone trespassing and preventing you from going about a lawful activity. It was used to prosecute protesters stopping farmers planting GM crops but also applies to shooting anti's on game shoots have been charged as well. Could keep him off your case if it does apply.
  8. Have you sorted this? If not have a look at the switch on the ignition barrel caused me starting trouble with mine. the switch was pitted on the start part of the contacts. Symptoms sound similar.
  9. I used N140 with 55 sierra blitz kings and 58 vmax with very accurate results. I also used it for 75 vmax which i don't recall the exact load but Found two accuracy nodes and chose the lower of the two as it was fast enough and I tend to run all my loads that way you get more life from your brass and barrel. I believe I used the Viht data that applied for the date on the powder tub (it does change always match to the correct year of manufacture).
  10. Yes something to consider but my cure for that is a box or two of PPU 100's "in stock" they don't shoot anything like as good as my 87gn load (0.3" @ 100 yds) with 1.5" groups but for deer that is enough for me. My foxing can call for much longer shots so for a dual purpose round I'd like to see 1/2" to 3/4" groups. Bullet choice is always a compromise between intended use range and target species, availability and rifles "taste" . I suppose I was lucky that my rifle really likes the load the best group was three shots one each from bipod on flat back on pickup, sand bag off the same and then off quad sticks. I have a load that will do for serious long range for foxes that with careful bullet placement isn't to wasteful of meat on the odd Roe. Zero is something to consider with more than one bullet weight its easy to lose track of what your zerod for, with the potential for a miss or worse wounding.
  11. Might I suggest if there is a shipping container and its the target its also the perfect place for the storage side. Using leisure batteries and possibly solar charging you could run a recorder off an inverter. your cameras could be powered by batteries again solar charging is possible link the camera/s with wireless transmitters. they would run on very little current compared to the recorder. most cameras have movement detection that might be used to switch record on/off. while commercial products might be expensive a home built could reduce that cost drastically.
  12. Bloomin expensive way of shooting rabbits . If your rifle likes them I'd go for 58 vmax nice and flat for rabbits and plenty foe charlie. Before you buy any 100's have a look at what 90/95's you can get hold of (nothing worse than finding a load and not being able to get components) You should find they shoot quite a lot better than 100's and with the right constuction will be good for Fallow and anything else for that matter.
  13. N140 is a good choice for lighter bullets I used it with 55 sierras 58 and 75 vmax. Your repurposed powders should work for 80gn up bullets. I used to load fairly fast light bullets I inherited with my gear some Varget Reloader 15 VV N140 and Hodgdon H4350. Basically went through 55 blitz kings some 80 siera softpoints then 58 75 ands finally 87 vmax. The reason behind my now one and only load is I only shoot the odd Roe, but plenty of foxes. The 87 vmax has a BC of .400 so while you have to account for a bit more drop wind is less of a problem. Most rifles are best with their middle weight of bullet mine loves these (so does a mates in fact the exact load). The other reason is barrel life I shot out as in no rifling left in first bit of barrel (still shot well enough) so instead of lots of chopping and changing I went with the 87 the last one used in previous gun. Unless shooting in Scotland you only have to worry about minimum power not bullet weight, is there any reason why not to find a mid weight that will suit for both. Unless your after bigger deer of course then maybe try some 90's or 95's. Just a thought.
  14. Just remember the easy way to tell when a politician is lying their lips are moving.
  15. Please note I said published max for a given load as in load is 42gn for 2800fps 45gn for say 3400. you know that if you get 3500 your over speed therefore over pressure for that load. I never mentioned using it to compare two different powders.
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