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Old Gun advice


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Goin through my dads gun cabinet last night we came across my great grandads 12 bore single barrel, which had really seen better days it was made in 1919 and is in poor condition,

cosmetic it wouldnt take much work and my dad really wants to get it restored the barrel inside really needs some work as it is very pitted

So my question is who would be the best people to talk to ref restoration, the gun is only sentimental but it would mean a lot if i could at least get it looking good,

Shooting it would be amazing but if its no repairable then i dont wanna blow my face off

thanks in advance


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First job is to take it to a competent gunsmith who will advise if it is safe to shoot it.


It it's not then most guns shops will be able to offer a deactivation service - when done the gun can be used as a wallhanger or whatever.


Renovation - it all depends what you want. If the problems are simply cosmetic then again any gunsmith will be able to renovate for you - it all depends on what you want to pay, and if for sentimental reasons it is worth it.


Good luck!

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Unfortunately any work you have done will cost more than the value of the gun , unless its a spectacular make , so you really have to consider this in making a decision . Because of this many people will ask for payment up front as it has happened that customers have defaulted on payment and the gun can not be sold at a price that will cover the cost of work done .

Sentimentality is all OK but take your time before making any decisions .

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The value of the gun before or after restoration is only important if selling.

What matters is if it is practical to get it restored to a safe usable condition, how much you can afford, how much it means to you to get it done.


My Mum had,t been able to wear her engagement ring due to it having worn thin and a stone being lost. Value of the ring was about £40 in its condition. It cost £115 to have it made good at the time and the new valuation was about £80 at the time.

We gave it back to her on our Wedding day during the speeches as it was down to her we met up again. Mum and Dad hadn't even realised it was missing. The look on Mum and Dad,s faces as we gave them a Melbourne Crystal ring holder and they realised the restored ring was on it was beyond value.

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