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Band Aid 30


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We did Band Aid all those years ago, gave millions and what's changed? Almost nothing.

A friend of mine is a devout Christian, a great bloke who gives up his time regularly to visit Africa and help with schemes for water supplies, schools etc. He pays his own costs and donates what he can afford in the way of tools, money and knowhow. He's an inventor type, comes up with solutions to problems and presents them to the communities as something they can do to help themselves. He's reached the point of no return because in his opinion, most of the aid is wasted money and wasted effort.

We have deserving charities in this country, we have kids on the breadline and homeless families, rough sleepers who have no help, vulnerable people who are abandoned by the authorities. Kids in danger in communities all over the country.

I may not be scientist material but all I see of most of Africa is a country that cannot support a growing population, ruled by fraudulent leaders, cities governed by criminals and a large proportion of the population that have little or no interest in really improving their situation if it involves effort or hard work.

Ok, I accept we may have things easier in the West but 30 odd years ago we had pictures of African children walking miles to a waterhole for dirty water, they're still doing it.

On my friends last visit he was horrified to see the tools and equipment from his last visit abandoned on waste ground. One of these was a home built paper making contraption to solve the shortage of paper in the school he helped to build. The recyclable paper was being burnt and the school was being used as a maize store.

What money I can spare for charity will stay in this country to help solve the problems here.

Well written timmytree, i totally agree with everything you have said. :good:

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Personally I would rather have Ebola than listen to One Erection .

Me too and that's..... No Erection by the way..


Geldoff gets on my Tits ... about time he grew up and Nobo and that bloke with the funny sideboards too...


I'm afraid we need a good drought, famine, disease, pestilence or war to reduce the African population ten fold...there are just too many of them...


How did they manage before the British went there in the 19th century and tried to Anglicise them.?


I'm bloody sure if Ebola was rife in America or Europe the big pharmaceutical companies would already be selling the tablets in Boots by now.


I donate to CA each month and don't feel I need to give any more just to support an aging rock stars Kudos..


What about a relief song for those poor ******** in Rochester and Strood :lol:

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