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Semi auto won't cycle


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Hi all


Have a cheap semi auto which I purchased about 18 months ago but only just got to shoot (long story)


For this time it's been in the safe and untouched.


Took it out on clays yesterday, will happily shoot first cart but have to manually pull back the boot to remove old/load second


Carts were 28g 7.5 70mm


Now it may be that it needs a good oil? It was virtually new at purchase so shouldn't have been dirty but has been sat untouched


It's a Fuji (Japanese virtually unheard of gun) and I have found a manual under SKB which shows a similar gun. The manual refers to a button which shows high/low pressure load (mine doesn't have this that I can see) and also a single/multiple cart button (again I don't have this) but thought best to read the manual


I'm new to s/a so am a little lost if it a) doesn't work and needs fixing b) I'm using the "wrong" cart c) it's dirty/needs liking


All help gratefully received



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If it's like new, you may want to put some heavier loads in to start with.

My semi for example, it's advised to put 100 32g 6's through it to loosen the spring.


Give a good clean and lube first, then get yourself some heavier cartridges and try those.

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Fuji 2000? These maybe a Remmy 1100 clone and are Gas operated from what the web tells me.


Is there no manual with your new gun? It may be coated in shipping oil that is thick and tacky and needs cleaning before use, it may also have adjustment in the gas valve for heavy/light loads.



Edited by HDAV
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It wasn't brand new but had seen little use


Now found a manual which is similar to mine - http://stevespages.com/pdf/skb_semi_manual.pdf


Page three shows an adjustment screw, I don't have one of those but I do have a screw on the lower circular part under a sliding cover which may do something similar.


Perhaps it's best to fiddle with that to try and get it working

It appears to be in "low position" now - would that be right for a 70mm 28g 7.5 cart

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Photos will help the semi knowledgeable id the adjustment. That SKB looks like a Franchi AL-48 which is long recoil operated action. So looking like isnt enough http://stevespages.com/pdf/franchi_48al.pdf


Fuji made a auto which was a almost exact copy of the AL48 long recoil gun , so it could be a problem with the action not recoiling .

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Ok so we can rule out a long recoil franchi copy .

As you brought it from Wabbitbosher and it belonged to a friend of his why not just send him a PM and see if he can help , he is a decent guy and I am sure he will be only too pleased to assist .


Looks a nice gun .

Edited by fenboy
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Ok so we can rule out a long recoil franchi copy .

As you brought it from Wabbitbosher and it belonged to a frien of his why not just send him a PM and see if he can help , he is a decent guy and I am sure he will be only too pleased to assist .


Looks a nice gun .




Photo with forend off will be more use.

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