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Out of shear interest


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Please do not blame your unwillingness/innability to comprehend my posts on me. It is not fair. Have a good night.

And there you go again talking down people,how dare you think that I may not comprehend your posts,you really are one of the worst type of so called intellectual snobs I have met for a good while.


when I was in the army I had a troop commander,I was his driver in a cvr(t) he had quite a few degrees,his proudest being in navel architecture and shipping,he was like you bright but unable to give straight answers to a question would write a novel when a sentance would do.i didn't trust him to boil an egg,you are so similar.you and Lt Cox would get along like a house on fire.

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And there you go again talking down people,how dare you think that I may not comprehend your posts,you really are one of the worst type of so called intellectual snobs I have met for a good while.


when I was in the army I had a troop commander,I was his driver in a cvr(t) he had quite a few degrees,his proudest being in navel architecture and shipping,he was like you bright but unable to give straight answers to a question would write a novel when a sentance would do.i didn't trust him to boil an egg,you are so similar.you and Lt Cox would get along like a house on fire.


It is a shame you did not bother to read my last post you branded a 'novel'. Have a good night.

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In 1960 the unemployed of NZ numbered 20 and the PM new their names, it still amazes me that they are able to produce legs of lamb that all weigh the same and are sent across the world yet still cost less than home produced lamb, free markets no subsidies shhz

I have a farmer friend who has several hundred sheep, he buys NZ lamb because it cheaper than British lamb.

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I have a farmer friend who has several hundred sheep, he buys NZ lamb because it cheaper than British lamb.

That of course is his choice, I raise and eat my own sheep and enjoy it, especially the eating bit, If i remember rightly the discussion was about Britain trading with the old common wealth countries and how well NZ managed despite not being in Europe and would they be trading with us again, I think most of their trade is now in the pacific rim and with a huge potential market in China, I still have no answer as to why NZ can produce lamb cheaper than we can and that is without European subsidies, maybe they are willing to accept less for their product, maybe its a more streamlined agricultural system, maybe to do with economies of scale, anyway good luck to them and your farmer friend perhaps we should be discussing would British agriculture be better off in or out of Europe ?

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