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Plasticy orange screw in sight for Beretta 12g Shotty


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Avoid the high viz ones, they will draw your eyes away from the target.


Most gunshops have a "box of goodies" full of spare beads and all sorts of junk, ring Neville at Essex Guns or whoever at International Firearms down at Chingford, they'll sort you out.



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Funny you should mention beads, I fitted a Easy Hit bead to my 687 recently for a couple of reasons, 1 reason was I was seen too much of the left hand side barrel and it was distracting me so with the Easy Hit the bright red light aided me to re align the stock to my cheek and my eye in line with the rib but this all takes time, but I found a cure for all of the above...................... a different gun. I tried a Miroku MK38 sporter last weekend and that gun literally falls in to place against my cheek with out even noticing the bead etc and perfectly in line even with mounting with my eyes closed! Different stock dimensions etc, I still can not believe the difference it has made for me.

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Most people don't bother to have a gun properly fitted to them, which is a pity because you will hit more targets if the gun shoots exactly where you're pointing it, this is particularly important on Sporting targets where a flat shooting gun is essential.


You were lucky to find one that fitted you, I would buy it from it's current owner ASAP...!! :good:



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