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Silenced 12 bore


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Iv got some new land to go at that calls for discreet rabbit control.

I think a silenced 12 would be the way to go.

I know york guns do the stealth guns,and hushpower do them

does anyone else make anything that's not £300-400 ?

Iv heard talk of a 10" silencer for 12 bores from hushpower,

But can't find any info on them, I can get a single baikal for £30 so an add on mod might be the answer?

Any suggestions?

Cheers Dave

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Iv got some new land to go at that calls for discreet rabbit control.

I think a silenced 12 would be the way to go.

I know york guns do the stealth guns,and hushpower do them

does anyone else make anything that's not £300-400 ?

Iv heard talk of a 10" silencer for 12 bores from hushpower,

But can't find any info on them, I can get a single baikal for £30 so an add on mod might be the answer?

Any suggestions?

Cheers Dave

I have a 10" silencer on an old single 12, and load subsonic loads, I have found it to be quieter than a standard 410 using 3" standard carts, available from Saddlery and Gunroom Kent, the full hushpower 410 with subs would be quieter

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Iv got a hushpower baikal 12 bore. Not as heavy as I thought it would be. Very quiet with eley hushpower subs. I think it was around £350 new, can't remember exactly though!

Iv had a couple of hushpower .410s, one was with a 9" silencer and it was pretty good,

Seen these cheap single 12 bore baikals and got thinking....

I don't expect it to be as quite at a fully modded one but if it's cheaper that would be better for me at the minute

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I have a 10" silencer on an old single 12, and load subsonic loads, I have found it to be quieter than a standard 410 using 3" standard carts, available from Saddlery and Gunroom Kent, the full hushpower 410 with subs would be quieter

That's the sort of thing I'm after, any idea how much they are?

Their website isn't that clear, are they all removable ?

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The .410 ones are £120 for the removable one and £75 for the fixed one......

Why can't they offer the same for the 12.

Does anyone know of an alternative?

not cheap £160 yes removable, my thinking was the sub 12 gave a heavier payload than the sub 410

Could you put a picture up mate?

Does it fit in your cabinet assembled?

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I can buy plenty of subs with cost of setting up for reloading

Have used silenced 12(Pedretti) since 2005 & cannot find sub to equal homeloads,may be different with add on silencer but drilled ports to barrel on full silencer gun cuts velocity.Also I prefer heavy loads of larger shot(4's)with subs,at the time I started re-loading(thanks for the recipes cookoff013) the only sub game carts I could buy were Eley 32gm 6's,although I believe 5's are now available,Although they patterned quite well they only chronoed at 920fps avg through my gun and restricted my usable range to the point I would rather use a slowish normal cart than them if I didn't reload,

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Guest cookoff013

I can buy plenty of subs with cost of setting up for reloading


well actually i can really chime in on here.

#1, homeloaded subsonics are cheaper. you can do the costings your self, but most reloads are £180/k, that is for premium hard #4 lead, vectan AS and new wads. this is the cheapest reloads and therefore offer the highest "value for money" and extreme value for money vs factory.


#2 in the first production run, of 1000. the little lee loadall can easily pay for itself in the first 1000 shells. eley £277/k, if you have the equipment is a massive saving of £97, thats without any specials on or nonsense hazmat. so theoretically you can throw away 2 lee loadalls per 1000 shells.


#3 the 28g subsonics are very good, and offer a very low recoil, and a friend has already tried them on game in #3 and was impressed. these subs because the speciality components, come in at just under the same cost as the 32g loads, because of a, specialised powder thats actually very economic, and b, an extra component (£10/k).


#4 the other consideration is the quality of the subsonics. not all subs are quiet, its to do with the gas volume, saturating the moderator and maximum amount of gas the silencer soaks up before the gas volume can get to the muzzel and break the sound barrier.


#5 it is even feasable that 36g subsonics can be made, and i`m trying to sort out that next. (again, normal components etc.) factory shells unavailable.


#6 they pattern tight, so upping the shotsize is advisable to create a cartridge that is very usable in hushers and non hushed applications.


sometimes reloading isnt the answer, its often romanticized that reloading is "well ace and solvs the worlds problems" but in this case it is beyond doubt that reloading is a reasonable thing to do. i like 4s and 2s.

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