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Straight pull - bolt action

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On the new fac variation form were it says type of rifle can I put straight pull or bolt action or do I have to state one or the other it's for a 17hmr if that makes any difference I could be tempted by a browning T bolt at my local rfd but not sure yet if not I might go for anshutz?

Any advice much appreciated!!!

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My experience with a t bolt .17 was terrible. In the shop the trigger seemed fine but in the field it was rubbish even on its lightest setting. Also with the rifle being really light weight it didn't seem to be steady on the target.

I sold the gun straight away at a loss and got myself a cz455.

Just my experience as was really disappointed with it

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My experience with a t bolt .17 was terrible. In the shop the trigger seemed fine but in the field it was rubbish even on its lightest setting. Also with the rifle being really light weight it didn't seem to be steady on the target.

I sold the gun straight away at a loss and got myself a cz455.

Just my experience as was really disappointed with it


I was shooting mine in .22lr today at the range and had a go at comparing it to my friends CZ 452 in .22lr. There is no doubt the trigger was better in the 452 but it has had a new tuned trigger unit fitted running 2.5lbs. And the CZ being heavier makes it a better range gun.


But in the field the lightweight of the T bolt makes it really handy and pointable especially free standing. In the end our groups were similar, I think the T bolt does take mastering and I may get the trigger done (4lb currently) but if you work with it you can shoot well with it. I have literally had it shooting through the same hole at 50 metres before.

Edited by srspower
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