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Ceasar Gurreni????


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my local gun dealer has started stocking Ceasar Gurreni <spelling???> over and under shotguns, and just out of pure curiosity i was wondering if anybody out there has one, fired one, or knows anything about them. About the only thing i do know about them is that they look nice, fit well and have a a bead sight mid-way along the barrell aswell as the end and this is the main thing i was interested in To know is is of any use or just there for Aesthetics?




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Some years ago, just about every over and under sold for clay shooting, had a bead mid way along the barrel, as well as at the end.

This was supposed to help you, "get on the target" quickly.


It didn,t help me at all (not much does with clay shooting :lol: ).

They seemed to disappear from later models, so I assume they didn,t do much for other people either.

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Sounds like a tasty Italian salad to me..... :lol::lol::lol::D:D


Ask him how many he has sold, whether there are other sales agents in the UK and whether he has any spare parts in stock, cos you don't want to buy one and in 6 months time when the firing pin or mainspring snaps, find that he no longer sells them and you have to approach the manufacturer somewhere in deepest, darkest Bulgaria.


The mid bead that interests you so much is a gimmick usually fitted to trap guns that are not generally suitable for shooting Woodies, as they tend to be very heavy and too tightly choked.


A lot of shooters find the centre bead a distraction and throw it away.


My advice would be to avoid obscure brands, stick to the well known names in the £750 plus price range, i.e. Beretta, Browning, Miroku, and you won't go far wrong, as the gun will be a good all rounder, at Pigeons, Clays and Game, and unlike your Italian Salad, will be easy to sell on at a good price, if well looked after.


Double H

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gunsmith I have used for repair work stocks these guns ( in pocklington near york)

cheapest carts in the area by the way!

have had a look at them and they look a good gun? gunsmith reckons they are good quality, as for the mid bead its a pretty standard item on most makes? browning winchester etc, its supposed to help you sight better ie if you set your barrel to eye so the beads form a figure 8 ie the "end" sight imediately above the mid sight you should have the correct firing plane ie not firing too high or low.

cheers Kdubya

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