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Game's On


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I have noticed a lot more game meat in my local supermarket, including Pheasant, Venison, Rabbit, Pigeon, Partridge etc, in the form of fresh meat, ready meals and also microwavable pouches of stew etc


Has anyone else seen more game meats in supermarkets?


I think thay it is because of the "Game's On" campaign, i think that this is doing quite a lot to encourage shooting to the public eye.


Anyone got any comments about this matter?

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I have noticed a lot more game meat in my local supermarket, including Pheasant, Venison, Rabbit, Pigeon, Partridge etc, in the form of fresh meat, ready meals and also microwavable pouches of stew etc


Has anyone else seen more game meats in supermarkets?


I think thay it is because of the "Game's On" campaign, i think that this is doing quite a lot to encourage shooting to the public eye.


Anyone got any comments about this matter?


Which supermarket's that mate?

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That supermarket is Waitrose, its posh i know, but the otherday, they had sold out of pheasant, so that cant be a bad thing :lol: , i have heard that they sell game in sainsburys etc


Thanks mate :lol:

I want to get my kids to try rabbit & pigeon, so if it's from the "shop" and not "my shed" they might give it a go :lol::lol:

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Sainsburys have supported the "game on" campaign for a few years now, you see a good line of venison, partridge and pheasant as well as duck. I think this is the first year Waitrose has openly supported it but they always did have a good selection of fowl, when in season.

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Sainsburys have supported the "game on" campaign for a few years now, you see a good line of venison, partridge and pheasant as well as duck. I think this is the first year Waitrose has openly supported it but they always did have a good selection of fowl, when in season.



Waitrose used to own a big prestigous shoot about 6 miles from me, they owned it upto a few years ago, im not sure why they closed it down, it used to be for the managers of the stores im led to believe. :lol:

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Its great news that game is starting to make more of a showing in supermarkets, as long as the supermarkets themselves are honest about how the meat gets there. It wont help shooting much if the "I eat meat but cant handle the reality of where it came from" drongos get a taste for game but convenient amnesia about how game is harvested. What it needs is for the supermarkets to acknowledge the fact that more than likely a man with a gun has played a part in providing the meat, and if shooting is to benefit this needs to be done in a positive light. I for one would be very impressed if a supermarket were brave enough to acknowledge the truth about where this increasingly popular source of food really comes from.

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