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nv spotter


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bought rabbiters home made spotter on Thursday and set about revamping it today .

used an old plastic lamp/ torch cut up for the handle a length of flat bar from BQ [£4] a couple of hours in the shed with me grinder and welder and hey ho ready and waiting for my screen and battery pack to arrive ..............

oh and a tin of satin black paint

first three are when I got it

next three how it is now




Edited by hodge911
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my god it gets worse,,,what the hell is that and do you need a rucksack or forklift to carry it round :lol::lol: :lol:


your meant to make them smaller NOT larger


it will do for me for now to see how I like nv.

limited by funds just now and I can always unscrew the monocular from it as it uses factory mounting threaded holes for a bipod and then it can be sold as a bresser 5x50 digital nv monocular .

if I get used to using nv I will go down the route of buying one or making one similar to "someblokes" off of the night vision forum using a e700 camera.

as for size it is not much bigger than the monocular and not noticeably heavier .........and it beats waving a rifle around to spot with :P:P

Edited by hodge911
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  • 2 weeks later...


my god it gets worse,,,what the hell is that and do you need a rucksack or forklift to carry it round :lol::lol: :lol:


your meant to make them smaller NOT larger


it will do for me for now to see how I like nv.

limited by funds just now and I can always unscrew the monocular from it as it uses factory mounting threaded holes for a bipod and then it can be sold as a bresser 5x50 digital nv monocular .

if I get used to using nv I will go down the route of buying one or making one similar to "someblokes" off of the night vision forum using a e700 camera.

as for size it is not much bigger than the monocular and not noticeably heavier .........and it beats waving a rifle around to spot with :P:P


have a word with DaveG off here he makes much better one's than "somebloke" of nv forum



Edited by colin lad
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and theres me thinking they were the same person

atb dolphin

:lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol::lol:


it is the same person, you will find him floating about somewhere,,he,s even come to his senses now and realised the T20 built properly is better than a 501b with an aholson conversion and a quarter of the price :whistling::whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


only yoking Mr G

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OOAARR LAADS I be he lol.


For anyone who hasn't seen one of mine - here is one of the variants:



And this is why its better to get quality camera and lens's rather than cheapo's - to be able to frequently use it without an illuminator in fog or moist air for one example;



And just for the record so it can be seen I aint no snob - I used tape, plywood, laggy bands, steel exhaust pipe, velcro etc for my first builds a couple of years ago lol:


Edited by Dave-G
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Dave what camera and parts you using in the 1st spotter that looks top class



Strange how the first video has disappeared so here it is again.



I make the handle so it can be used like this too:




The camera is an E700 from SURE24. The lens has since been swapped for a 50mm prime C mount cine lens.

The battery and screen compartment are custom moulded one's I supply - The C mount adaptor is custom made too.

I have recently revised my spotter build parts and will be putting a new thread up on the NVF soon and can copy it across to here but about all of my sales are on the NVF or FB - barely a sniff on this site lol.


Funny thing happened with the sale of this one on the NVF:


Someone from Stowmarket bought it so I posted up that it was sold to a genulman from Suffolk... But... someone else had also been making enquries about it and I had not noticed he was also from Stowmarket. Anyway, long story short both guys from Stowmarket paid for the same spotter so I cracked on and made another:



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Just a quick Q Dave-G...with the "easy NV" thread and scope attachment build, does any adjustment on the scope have to be made or is it literally a 'Plug and play' after mounting on the scope?

Cheers in advance!

I don't get the question TBH - there is no scope in use on any of my builds.

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