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Walked, Stalked & Stuffed All In A Weekend!

Elk hunter

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I was dually informed but my four year old on Friday night that she was having a some M&D weekend (mother & daughter) and I nor the dog were invited. Did not kick up to much of a fuss! Plan was a couple of days having fun in the sun and cull some corvids.


Got build my own gun!



Saturday morning I went up he farm and it was cold but a good winters sun in the sky. Put to getter my rifle along with a flask. All ready to go but could not find my lucky cap, the only hat I could find was blue, hope birds are colour blind. As we all know not much cover this time of year which meant I had to use the wooded areas for maximum advantage.


New camo hat.



The wildlife in general was very thin on the ground, not even a pheasant or a cover of partridge were seen. To the point after three hours of wondering a well deserved cup of tea and a pat for Rupert. Sitting in the sun was dam fine and I expect all the wildlife were doing the same. By lunch the only thing I'd shot was a mole hill so headed home to load some bullets.




Simple pleasures.



Sunday arrived with another glorious day ahead gear packed and off again but with my lucky cap, makes all the difference. Started off at the allotment and into the wood, it was a different day warmer and birds singing like spring. Sat for a while near one of the feeders hoping for a squirrel. But after 20 mins had to move on as I could hear a crow.


Right colours, right camo.





Had to move very gingerly as the ground covered with leaves is noisy and a dead give away. Slipped behind a tree and I could see them but no shot as although my field of view was good shot window was small because of branches and foliage. It was a waiting game, must have lifted the rifle half dozen times. Finally managed to slip off the safety and nailed it.


Lucky hat works.



The crow had a full winter coat and as it was only eleven I figured why not mount it. Back home I set about it and had it skinned and washed before lunch. After lunch I took it out of my special vat of cleaner and dryer it. The bird was full of thick down so it's tricky to get it looking right.


Mmm can you guess what it is.



It starts to looks like a bird.



By 4.30 I'd got it looking like a crow, not much else for me to do tonight, may be clean up. But he needs to dry slowly with a tickle and tweak over the next week or so. Walked into a house full of paint, paper and fillet steak for tea, life ant too bad!




Life is good.



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