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Do you honestly think we would get one if the influence of UKIP was not there? that will be a no then so nothing is lost in that respect,and as it seems likely that wee jimmy crankie will be on the bridge of the next sailing of the titanic perhaps we should now be looking for not only leaving Europe but casting Scotland adrift in order that a minority of self serving hard done by's dont steer us into the waiting iceberg.




I think that the influence or threat of UKIP has been beneficial on a number of fronts, not least in starting to challenge the unwritten censorship and PC dominance that has seemed to envelop political discussion.


It just seems horribly ironic that having managed to get the establishment to recognise the real fear of the public around immigration & EU control that the momentum will be completely lost because we are going to have an ineffective government.


I do honestly believe that in a Conservative government we would see an EU referendum. I think that would be overtly political and not because they wanted to exit the EU, in fact I think that they would hope to secure a vote to stay in and put that argument to bed for ever, but we would get the choice.


Forgive me for looking at the Scottish argument from a different perspective, I don't want to see a fragmented UK and I think that the momentum to change the shape of our government away from being London centric is something to capitalise on that would benefit us all, but I think that is all going to be lost too.


My fear is that we are going to go through a generation of ineffective government and achieve nothing and be all the poorer for it.


As wet as he is I think another 5 years of a tory led government with DC at the wheel would serve us best, not least because that offers the EU choice, but also favours regional devolution and I think that would be best for all of us who live outside the south east. It would also give the other parties a chance to develop a more compelling opposition than we have now.


How bad has it become when our likely opposition is Miliband backed up by Sturgeon?

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If the Tories had replaced Cameron with David Davis, and had a pre election pact with UKIP they would have walked the election.


The Labour party would have been annihilated all over the country.


Cameron has totally misread the public mood and his ploy of putting obstacles in front of the TV debates has backfired dramatically. There'll only be one loser now...and that's Cameron.


He'll be choking on his muesli this morning.

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