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Lee liquid alox

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You more or less have to use it on lead bullets for lever actions. Even if the bullets are already lubed with wax in the groove as bought bullets are. Its called double lubing and without it accuracy drops off fairly quickly due to leading in the barrel.


Even using this method lever actions lead up pretty quickly and many owners don't know how to clean their barrels properly so are always going to suffer from accuracy thats not as good as it could be

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Yep,i use it on my 357 cast bullets.


One bottle goes a veryyyyyyyyy long way! I lightly lube first,allow to dry,re-size then lube again. Never had any issues with leading even when i've stoked some loads right upto the max for cast bullets,but most of the time they're like 38's.


You use it quite sparingly.Some people use way too much to the point their cast bullets look like they've been dipped in treacle and it dont make them any better.

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Thanks gents, looks like I'll be getting some then.


Could you pass on your application techniques and amount of alox used as their seems to be a few options flying about. I'll be using on cast boolits in a Rossi .44 mag lever action.

Edited by Livefast123
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When i lube up(!) i have two icecream tubs. I place all the bullets in one,squirt a little alox over the top then keep pouring the bullets from one to the other until they're all coated. Its called tumble lubing. After you've tumbled them say 10 times check a few to ensure they're coated evenly-if not add a little more alox and tumble again. Newly cast boolits are very shiny and you dont see the alox very well so rely on your fingers and feel them to see if they're evenly coated.


Once done pour them over grease paper or something equally shiny and allow to dry for a day. If you're resizing the boolits ensure they're lubed before being resized and lube again afterwards.


Oh yeah,wear rubber gloves too because its a right mare to get off skin and people will think you've had a dodgy fake tan done.

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Lol, will recommend it to Mrs Livefast


Would putting in a plastic bag and rubbing round have the same effect or are tubs better? I have a nice warm airing cupboard for them to dry


Yep,a plastic bag would do the same,but you wouldnt get many done at a time. With the icecream tubs i can do around 500 at a time.


Dont put them in your airing cupboard-alox stinks and will make any clothing smell equally bad. Any warm room will do.

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