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Windows Updates

Chris Bb

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Is it just me or does Microsoft Windows of late spend its life updating? I use 3 computers and they each seem to spend most of their lives looking up their own jacksies! Every time I want to use one, either it's using the internet for its own purposes (thereby stopping me) or it demands to update programs (US sp) or shut down just to start up again which can take up to half an hour.


Yes, Apple people, please don't remind me how clever/superior you are.

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If you're going to turn off Windows update, at least make a note to manually update your machine on a fortnightly or monthly basis.


As silly as all the updates seem to be, they're there to protect you and your personal information from the endless exploits which are discovered.

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Just buy an Apple you know it makes sense. I have both mostly apple and one Windows laptop to run programmes onlines courses and sync with work better, hate the bloody thing with a vengeance. I run as littles as possible on it and after a while it slows down and needs all sorts of mollycoddling to work well again. Another annoying feature is as you shutdown at the end offyour workday it decides it's doing updates and tells you not to shutdown.


I feel your pain.

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