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how did great britain survive before the eu


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Yup, it's called realpolitik. It's not pretty but it's how the world works.



India has 300 million middle class aspirational people, we have 30 million in the UK. The reason that we give money to India is because we want to keep goodwill relations with India, not just because of our past of abuse, but because it is a massive market that Britain can have significant influence in developing and subsequently benefitting from.


Overseas aid may well be dressed up as trying to help the impoverished and some times it is, but mainly it buys favour in commerce or political allegiance. You might not like it, you might even find it abhorrent, but it is how the world works. The world does not exist on some idealist notion of fairness or equity, it revolves around commerce and power, you might not like that either, but such is life.

Well thanks for enlightening a fiscally challenged simpleton, overseas aid is a bribe to oil the wheels of future trade but also appeases the caring types in the country, money paid into Europe is basically the same without the feel good factor, shame governments don't feel like informing us, or do they have something to hide ?

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Overseas aid may well be dressed up as trying to help the impoverished and some times it is, but mainly it buys favour in commerce or political allegiance. You might not like it, you might even find it abhorrent, but it is how the world works. The world does not exist on some idealist notion of fairness or equity, it revolves around commerce and power, you might not like that either, but such is life.



The really annoying thing is when a company does very similiar , and safe guards or creates many thousands of well paid British jobs they get hauled before the courts

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The really annoying thing is when a company does very similiar , and safe guards or creates many thousands of well paid British jobs they get hauled before the courts

I know that is shameful really. The government can be a fabulous ally in establishing trade deals, lots of businesses need to understand what can be achieved, but too many believe it the preserve of large enterprises.

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