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Lamping Last night


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Well my mates .222 definatley seems to be earning its money now. Went up to his farm last night for a spot of lamping, after a nice cup of tea by the fire. Did the useal first by getting into the pick-up for a scout about some of the lower parts that can easily be seen from the road, then headed up the hill and set off on foot. I hadnt been out for a long time so was looking forward to it but usually nothing happens when i'm around! So we scanning both sides to see any signs of foxes, both up towards the hills and back down towards the road. Quite helpful as there is an old road that runs the length of th epart we were in to nice easy walking and good vantage point. We gradually were approaching were his land ended and we beginning to think nothing was about untill the scope mounted Deben Tracer caught a glimpse of two eyes below us in one of the fields, but further back. Off with the light and managed to get over the creaky fence and closer to it. On with the lamp to check, still there: so we get a bot closer.


Finally we get to point, still above the fox with great views over to it. Treid to squeak it a wee bit, in combination with flicking the lamp on/off. No good, the fox is not for moving. So after a small bit of thought my mate decides to take the shot, BANG....we think its hit and walk over and see. There waiting to greet us is one stone dead dog fox exactly where he fell. Shot a bit lower than between the eyes. Cracking head shot. Ranged at approx 100-120 yrds.


Sorry no pics of gun but he is using a Yugoslav make of which we arent too sure but its well built, with 50 grn Norma bullet, Harris Bi-Pod and the Deben tracer lamp. All in all a fantastic combo.


We were really really chuffed, more so my who actually took the shot.




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