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the stigma of sleeved barrels


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My Charles Lancaster is sleeved.


Do I wish it wasn't? Of course but I would have had to pay a darn site more for it had they been the original barrels.

Does it mean I can use any old cartridges? Nope, still an old action but I for love it regardless-beautiful piece of history and is a talking point and admired by those who have seen it.


One thing I would like to have though and that is an original ( maybe at a push a repro) makers label for the case if anyone knows of one?



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To Gunman and JJsDad thank you both for the pointer.


Have now ordered an age related Label

Will keep an eye out for an original too.

Would you happen to know if they provided their own cases too as one of these would really top it of ( have an early 1900's one at the mo)





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Most makers would supply cases as an extra to an order .Guns in the British trade have never been cased as amatter course.

Many guns were supplied cased with accseories and slips , most of these have not stood the test of time .

It is possible to find period cases but it may need to be refitted, a task that well done looks great but awful if done poorly or with the wrong colour baise .

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On the other hand I picked up a Brady case in vgc for less than £100 that could have been made for my gun- I,m guessing it was made about 30 years after my gun but heyho-managed to find a period turnscrew but cannot seem to find a correct size oil bottle to fit the case. There is a spare piece of lining that came with the case so I,ve been lucky on that score-but its hard to find what was originally in the case accessory wise?

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Most old gun cases I come across usually contain the following -


1 a broken cleaning rod

2 an old tooth brush

3 a brass jag that has never been used

4 a bunch of tow ,preferably strewn all over the inside of the case

5 one possibly two useless snap caps

6 an empty oil bottle that leaks

7 something that no one knows what it is or what its for

8 a key for the lock that no longer locks

9 half of one of the broken straps

10 a piece of checkered material form an old shirt that's soaked in dried up oil and very dirty


To be honest very few guns in fitted cases had little more than a pair of snap caps ,a cleaning rod , oil bottle and a couple of brushes .

Forget about "turn screws " etc. these would only be supplied if there was a need to change parts such as pre fitted spare springs or strikers .

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Yep,Gunman-mine came with most of those but also with some kinda hairy fluff that sticks to the material like the proverbial-but I am still desperate for an empty oil bottle that leaks. The gun-a 1900-1904 Smallwood hammergun has been totally refurbished and looks nice in the case-even with the mysterious fluff so that's where she,s going to live-the accessories are not critical but would complete the project.

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