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Is 14" too short


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Deckers, calm down lad.


Remove the human operator and any barrel length and ammo that suits will shoot irrespective of how many or not how many complete revolutions are made with in the barrel by a bullet. Documented proof of the above is available on the web.


Calm down dear, it is only a forum!

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Deckers, calm down lad.


Remove the human operator and any barrel length and ammo that suits will shoot irrespective of how many or not how many complete revolutions are made with in the barrel by a bullet. Documented proof of the above is available on the web.


Calm down dear, it is only a forum!


Of course it will shoot, but bolt a .22lr Pistol and a .22lr rifle to the floor and you will get better accuracy, consistency and energy from the rifle every time! :yes::good:

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Of course it will shoot, but bolt a .22lr Pistol and a .22lr rifle to the floor and you will get better accuracy, consistency and energy from the rifle every time! :yes::good:

How you put it maybe, but not all the time!

Any way you and me differ on this one and that's just fine. No worries. :-)

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How you put it maybe, but not all the time!

Any way you and me differ on this one and that's just fine. No worries. :-)




I'd still be curious to know, given the choice of a .22lr rifle or pistol shooting that apple off your head at 100 yards which you would chose?



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Shot with a pistol with one hand and iron sights at 25 yards (5" barrel) - I wish I could've done this every time.



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Now that is some decent shooting



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I had a brno mk2 which I cut from 22" to 12" as a truck gun. I had that rifle about 5 years. Had an 11 degree match crown cut on it and it performed brilliantly.


A little more noise and kick ( ever so slightly ) and accuracy wise it was able to headshot rabbits to 100 yards easily enough. It had a bit more drop but nothing drastic.


I do miss it, to be honest. The 16" barrel I currently have is manageable but the 12" barrel was brilliant for driving and shooting from the truck.


My general advise to anyone considering getting a .22 or barrel chopped is to get it done. The benefits are enormous for anyone that does a lot of driving.

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Thank you Colin - I've shot a good few "possibles" on the NSRA prone rifle cards and I've cleaned the 300 point centrefire duelling target several times, but that card is the only time I've shot (or seen) a possible on the NSRA slow fire target. Sad to think I'll never have the chance to try again. :(

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